Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1517: Attracting attention 1

Soon after the reunion of the friends, they were all prepared to prepare for their revenge. August 1st? Wenwang?W≈W≤W. 81ZW. COM

Just when Jun Wuxie and Qiao Chu negotiated, they were on the hills, but they also heard a voice of discussion.

In Yunxiao College, the little old man with his back, sitting bored at the desk, squinting his eyes and looking at a stack of books spread out on the desk.

"Adult." A man quietly walked into the study, respectfully watching the old man.

The little old man blinked and looked up. "What?"

"Starting an adult, you let us find someone we found." The man said.

The old man’s eyes immediately flashed a glimmer of light! "You found the little guy? Where is the man?" This is the only good news he has heard so many days.

"At the talent meeting place." The man said that after the little old man returned from that day, he handed a portrait to him, so that they must find the teenagers in the portrait, but unfortunately, they spent half a month. I rummaged through the entire top of Fuyang Mountain, but I still couldn't find the old man.

And just today, the people who went to the talent conference suddenly returned and told him that people... found it!

"Natural meeting place?" There is a clear doubt on the face of the little old man. "The little devil's medical skills are so good. Why don't you go to the medical venue and go to the talent meeting?"

The old man snorted and asked: "How is the talent meeting? Is it directly eliminated?" When he said this, the old man's face was full of smiles.

It’s not because he and the little devil have hatred, but because he has seen the innocent medical skills and contacted him. He knows that the kid is neither a smelter or a racial member like a witch doctor. The venue is the home of the race, what benefits can a small fart kid run over?

Said the little old man still smiled and said: "This little devil looks very smart, how to do things and so confused? On her medical skills, went to the medical site, can not get a top ten back, must run Going to the talent venue, huh... It’s estimated that I’m crying when I’m eliminated.”

The little old man is still chanting, but the man standing in the study has a tangled look.

"Adult...the one has not been eliminated."

"Oh?" The old man looked up. "Not being eliminated? Is luck so good?"

"She has not only been eliminated, but only one time, it has attracted the attention of the Twelve Halls and the Nine Palaces." The man said.

"What!" The smile on the face of the little old man is all gone. He is still lucky enough to choose an unreliable venue. He may have to be eliminated halfway through the way. He can still go to 捡A leak, but I don't want to, it is such a news!

Not only did it succeed in the promotion, but also on the first day of the beginning of the martial arts conference, the 12th and the 9th House were all provoked? !

"What the **** is going on, tell me clearly, isn't this the Nine Palaces not involved? How can they even pay attention to them?" There was no smile on the face of the little old man, and his brow furrowed his face. Yue.

The man immediately said the performance of Jun Wu in the talent venue.

"After the son left, the people of the Twelve Halls and the Sirius Palace followed the past, but they were taken one step by Su Jingyan of the Sirius Palace, and they stopped and asked."

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