Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1519: Grab a person 1

For the thoughts of the Twelve Temples, there is not much entanglement in the innocence. ????? 中?文W?W?W?. (a) 8 (one) 1? Z (eight) W?. (8) C?O (eight) M

Jun Wuxu routinely goes to the talent meeting every day to show off the human eye once. In a few days of the fight, she has no suspense all the way to advance, and Qiao Chu’s situation on the other side is as smooth as ever, and she can break through in her teens. The people of Ziling, even in the middle three circles, are extremely rare.

It may be because Su Jingyan’s warning played a repressive role on the Twelve Halls, so in the following period of time, there was no such thing as the incarnation of the existing twelve halls.

When a group of teenagers struggled and competed in the competition, Jun Wuxie and Qiao Chu and others went all the way, and no suspense all the way to the end.

The last day of the Conquest, the day when the final result came, soon came.

The result of the Contest is not the first and second, but will gather the top ten, and will be selected by the people of the Twelve.

After the successful promotion of the top ten on the last day, the number of talents in the venue was very rare. In the successive promotion, many teenagers chose to leave, and those who were eliminated midway were seen by the 12th Hall. In the middle of the day, they will receive an invitation to the Twelve Halls, so that they can stay on this hill, and those who have been eliminated and have not received any invitations can only leave.

The original number of people on the hills, the number of people left now, is only a few hundred people. Compared with the scenes of people and people, it seems to be much deserted.

As the final winner of the talent conference, Jun Wuji and the other nine teenagers stood at the end. After the end, the nine people were almost excited to cry, and no matter what the other side, the top ten in each venue will surely receive twelve. The invitation of the temple also means that their future roads will be much wider than ordinary people.

The innocent and indifferent standing on the side, the slightest reaction on the delicate face, compared with the nine people's joyful cry, her expression is a little bit strange.

In the large conference hall, the disciples who had already received the invitation from the 12th Hall, enviously looked at the ten people who were innocent, even though they all received invitations from the 12th Hall, but the gold content of the top ten was not eliminated by them. Comparable, in the envy they quietly left.

The entire venue, only the ten teenagers left.

The martial arts conference lasted for a whole month, and the Accord on the second floor of the talent conference was also opened at this time!

More than 20 figures appeared in front of the innocent people, and the moments when those people appeared, the atmosphere in the entire talent meeting room became obviously tense.

In each of the Accord, two or three adult men came out. Their eyes were sharp, their eyes were glanced at each other, and there was a warning in their eyes.

The teenagers who stood in the meeting room, after seeing those people, were all nervous and flushed, and they worked hard to get to the present, just to get the glory of this moment!

Those people are their goals, the elite of the twelve temples! !

However, compared with the excitement and eagerness of those teenagers, Jun is incomprehensible but calmer. Her eyes are low and she quietly perceives these people in the Twelve Temples with their own spiritual power. Brought her an interesting message.

Of these more than 20 people, there are actually 12 people who have reached the level of Ziling III!

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