Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1540: This college is poisonous 3

“Yuan Yuege??!”

"Adult! You are not kidding?" Tian Ze was a little panicked. ????八一中文W(八)W?W?. ?8 (a) 1? Z (eight) W (a). ?C?O (eight) M?

Let Jun go to Yuan Yuege without evil, is this not to let... who taught her?

The little old man raised his eyebrows. "What? Do you think it is inappropriate?"

Tian Ze’s face is not suitable! Of course not suitable!

That is simply the scourge of Yunxiao College! Give the innocent to the hand of the person, can this be good? Is he guessing wrong? The adult does not want to give the king a small stove, but wants to kill her?

"But the temper of that..." Tianze was somewhat worried. He felt that the young man was very good. He didn't talk much, and his character was calm. If he couldn't teach, he planned to keep teaching. A child. How can an adult be so embarrassed!

The little old man waved his hand. "Don't worry so much, look at the entire Yunxiao Academy. If you can teach the monarch, then she will be one.

Tianze also wants to fight for the innocent, but the old man is ironic and wants to push the innocent fire pit. No matter what Tianze said, he does not intend to change his mind. Tianze can only be forced to roll. Go out.

In desperation, Tian Ze went to find the innocent before, and according to the instructions of the little old man, let Jun go to Yuan Yuege.

When Tian Ze was looking for a sinless conversation, Gu Xinzhen came to find the sense of existence of a sinless brush. A beautiful little face was full of smiles. Standing by the side, after Tian Ze’s departure, Gu Xin’s suddenly suddenly Stepping forward, I stopped the action of the innocent return to the house.

"Jun no, you really want to go to Yuan Yuege?" Gu Xin stunned his face.

Jun looked at Gu Xinyi with no doubts, and Gu Xin was very clever. She did not reveal her intentions like other people. Even if she had already guessed her intentions, she Xin Yan’s practice is that there is no right place for you to find a place that is not right. If you want to draw a clear line, there is no suitable opportunity.

Gu Xin’s good for the innocent, it seems that if there is nothing like it, only occasionally send some necessities, and never say anything more than Jun, the kind of just right distance, people feel very at ease.

Gu Xinyi saw the doubts of the innocent, and hesitated for a moment: "I listened to the old people and said that the people in Yuan Yuege are not very easy to get along with. No one dares to go on weekdays, you... if you really want to go, Be careful."

Jun nodded slightly and turned back to the room.

Lin Haoyu, who came over with Gu Xinyi, saw the reaction of Jun Bing's cold ice, and he couldn't tell the unhappiness. When the door was closed, he didn't have a good air. "I said Xin Yan, what are you going to toss?" Time? You understand, I understand, but this kid is too ignorant. You are so good to her every day, she is still a dead face, not to mention your good, such a person, let her die as well. If it's stopping you, those of us who have long she could not beat a meal. "

Gu Xinyi is better for the innocent, and the other people in the **** temple are tired of being innocent. They are too late to have Gu Xinyi, so please her, she still holds the shelf, to whom?

Gu Xin looked at Lin Haoyu silently. "If you can't understand it, don't look at it, and no one is forcing you to come over. If this is a small setback, I can't stand it. How can I say that it is my daughter?"

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