Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1547: Conspiracy begins 1

All of this, even Gu Xinyi did not think of. August 1st? Wenwang?W?W(1)W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W (eight). COM

It stands to reason that it is not important for Jun to choose a temple. It is not important for Yunxiao College to change its attitude towards any disciple, and the imperial spirit of the spirit is a Huge now.

Yunxiao College has such a deep qualification. It doesn't look like a superficial college. It will treat disciples differently because of different identities.

However, the truth has not really entered any cultivation, and even Gu Xinyi has seen the scene of the innocent garbage thrown outside Yuan Yuege.

In this regard, Gu Xinyi also went to find out those old students to inquire about it.

Yuan Yuege said that it is the wine cellar of Yunxiao College. Only one person will be guarded inside on weekdays. No disciples will practice there. Even Yuan Yuege is not as reliable as the nearby library building and the Treasure House.

I placed a newly admitted disciple in the wine cellar and kept cleaning it up. This makes people feel that something is wrong. Even if Gu Xinyi wants to understand the deep meaning, there is no result. It’s really like being abandoned by Yunxiao College.

At this moment, even Gu Xinyi was confused, and he did not know why Yunxiao College was so innocent.

"For a while, I have been observing for a while." Gu Xin’s cautious opening, she noticed that although there were many rumors and rumors, but there was no such thing as a sinister reaction, this is not a good time for her to take a shot. When she was in trouble, she would lend a helping hand to highlight her goodness.

Seeing that Gu Xinyi still did not give up the meaning of pulling the innocent, Lin Haoyu secretly snorted, and he was silent for a moment, suddenly his heart counted.

"Xin Yan, are you going to wait for Jun to have a kid to eat and then help me?"

"Otherwise?" Gu Xin said, and he had been in contact with Jun for a long time. The feeling of being innocent to her has always been alienated. No matter how hard she tried, they were maintained in a situation similar to strangers. This situation made Gu Xinyi somewhat annoyed and tried to break, but failed.

"How can I help you?" Lin Haoyu said with a smile.

Gu Xinyi frowned slightly. "You don't mess up. If it is not seen by the king, our **** temple is hostile to her. It is absolutely impossible for us to make good friends with us."

Lin Haoyu said with a smile: "You don't have to be so nervous. I am not stupid enough to go to that point. Sometimes we have to retreat into a desperate situation. We don't need to do it ourselves. We just need to push it a little, and naturally someone will shoot."

Gu Xin looked at Lin Haoyu's confident smile and hesitated for a moment: "I understand what you mean, but the temples are explained before entering the school. You can't provoke the monarch. What else can you do?"

Lin Haoyu said: "The confession is to explain, but you also saw it. In Yunxiao College, there are people who are pleasing to the eye and all of them are in the blood. They are always young, and there are always a few things to do."

Gu Xinyi still has some disagreements, but Lin Haoyu’s words also touched her heartstrings. Nowadays, the cultivation of each branch has begun. She does not have much time to carry out her own plans. After all, she entered the Yunxiao College except for bloody. In addition to cultivating talents, the temple also wants to improve itself.

"Don't let the king not show up." Gu Xinyi finally loosened his mouth.

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