Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1550: Conspiracy begins 4

Young teenagers are the most vulnerable group to be incited by public opinion. Most of them are arrogant and arrogant, and most of them are subject to outside discussion. After Lin Haoyu and the teenagers’ quarrels in public, Jun No Evil is a freshman at Yunxiao College. The reputation in it has been extremely bad. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (one) OM

Everyone secretly despised her self-satisfaction and thought that it was a great thing to be invited by the 12th Temple. After she had chosen the Lingyao Temple, she still hugged the thigh of the **** temple without shame. The result was not A waste that is not taken seriously by the college and sent to the wine cellar?

In the midst of a roar, only the teenagers of the Bloody Temple are constantly arguing for the innocent. When everyone scolds the innocent, the teenagers of the Bloody Temple are all standing in the brush. The innocent side has quarreled with other people.

However, their methods have not only reduced the insults that have been innocent, but have become more and more intense.

After Gu Xinyi learned about this situation, his face showed a smile.

Lin Haoyu’s work this time made her very satisfied. Not only did the other temple’s teenagers be in absolute opposition to the innocence, but also made the **** temple the only ally of Jun’s innocence, just this pretense. The good intentions were framed, and the results obtained were good for her surprise.

Even Gu Xinyi’s attitude towards Lin Haoyu has improved.

In the snoring of a piece of music, Qiao Chu can only stand on the sidelines. After each cultivation, when the teenagers of the various temples get together, the most they hear is the innocent embarrassment. God knows how many times they have. I almost couldn't help but jump out and wanted to beat the idiots who were not talking about it.

Is it a waste?

Their little evil spirits are purple level four! It has two plant spirits and a mutated black cat soul!

If she is a waste, these people are not the waste of waste!

In order to subvert the Twelve Halls, they can only choose to be silent, and all of them are chanting in their hearts. Write down this account and wait until the day after the event, let these stupid forks taste their own. The consequences of brewing!

The Twelve Halls are great?

If these idiots know that they are not shameless, they will appear here, just to destroy the temple in their minds, and do not know what to think.

For those who are embarrassed, Jun is not alive, but he seems to have nothing to do. He reports to Yuan Yuege every day and continues to live a hard life under Suya.

One day, after Junjiu had just entered the basement, Tianze came to Yuanyue Pavilion. Suya was lying on the soft couch and drinking. When he saw Tianze coming in, his eyelids were too lazy to lift it.

"Sister..." Tianze accompanied his smiling face and looked at Suya who completely ignored him.

"Don't call the old lady sister, the old lady is not such a stupid younger brother!" Suya glanced at Tianze, his face disgusted.

If someone sees the picture at this time, I am afraid that the chin will be dropped on the ground.

Tian Ze’s position in Yunxiao College is extremely high. The ordinary tutor sees him to retreat three points. Those disciples are more respectful to them, but who can think of Tianze, who has a very high status in Yunxiao College, to the guardian In front of Suya, he instantly turned into a dog's leg. He had to say that his face was stretched, and he was afraid of being too late to laugh!

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