Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1559: Please enter 瓮2

After Gu Xin’s stop, he looked at Jun. Eight?? One Chinese network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

"And then?" She really couldn't figure out what it means to be innocent.

Jun is innocent: "Can you touch?"

"..." did not see enough, but also touch? Although Gu Xin’s heart was full of ambiguity, he nodded. However, she still swears, "The whip is very sharp, you don't hurt yourself."

This is not that Gu Xin can't look down on the innocent, but the spirit itself is sharper than the ordinary weapon. It is described by the words "cutting iron and mud" and it is not exaggerated.

Under the permission of Gu Xinyi, Jun Wuxie touched the sharp soft whip, and the tentacles were cold, but they could sense a strange power fluctuation.

This kind of feeling has never been experienced before, but before she knew a few people who had the spirit of the instrument, Moxueyuan was one of them. She had touched it at the time, but she felt that there was nothing cold and ordinary. the difference.

But now, she is aware of a faint power in the spirit.

what is this?

I don’t know if I am innocent.

Under the eyes of Gu Xinyi, Jun Wuxu took out the kettle and a brush from the Qiankun bag, and she looked up at Gu Xinyi.

"The Royal Soul has a solid soul, but I don't know many people who know the spirit of the soul. I have never tried the soul to fix the spirit. Is it willing to let me try it?" Jun is quiet and calm.

However, after Gu Xin’s listening to this, he could not calm down.

The innocent soul is solid, she has heard of it, but the innocent is only used in the contest of the talent venue, unless it is the person present, otherwise there is no chance for others to see, but Gu Xinyi himself At the Lingling Conference Hall, the venue that wants to enter the venue must be a participant in the venue, so she has never seen what the soul is.

For the solid method of the soul, Gu Xinyi is mostly heard, just knowing that it is a kind of magic that has never appeared before, and there is also a hint of curiosity in the heart.

She did not think that Jun Nothing intended to use the soul to fix the law on her spirit.

Just stayed for a moment, Gu Xinyi nodded and agreed.


A person of a special race is willing to show his ability in front of others. This is a very rare thing. If you are not guilty, you will not only let Gu Xin have a chance to see the soul, but also let Gu Xin feel that Jun is not evil. Such changes, is it already a trace of looseness?

In Yunxiao College, Jun Wuxie never talks with other people, and does not get along with others. Today, Jun No Evil not only invites her to walk around in the college, but even wants to show her soul in front of her eyes.

How can this change make Gu Xin not excited?

It seems that Lin Haoyu’s method has been successful, and Jun’s innocence is no longer as firm as before.

The heart is secretly proud, but Gu Xin does not reveal a half point, but it is still kind and pure.

If you have Gu Xin’s words, you will not waste your time, and you will write a soul-solid method directly on the ancient spirit.

When she fell to the last moment, a flame spread over the entire whip, and the red flame wrapped the silver whip in it! Dissipate the heat wave!

Seeing the moment of the flame, Gu Xin’s heart was amazed and almost released his hand subconsciously, but when the flame passed to the end of the whip and touched her hand, Gu Xinyi did not feel a little burned. Stinging.

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