Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1578: Sorry, we are not familiar with 9

"No.? Bayi Chinese?? Network? W ≤ WW.81ZW.COM" Jun faint faint opening, simple two words, but Lin Haoran and Gu Xinying's face changed greatly.

Lin Haoyu's mouth is slightly twitching, although Jun has never said that he wants to join the **** temple, but this time the innocent practice, is not the intention to join?

"Not yet, but will join soon." Lin Haoyu quickly spoke.

However, Gu Xin’s face has become somewhat stiff, and her eyes are locked in the innocent, her eyes full of surprises and incredible.

Lin Haoyu still thinks that Jun is innocent, but she said that she has not joined the **** temple at present, but Gu Xinyi does not have such a naive fantasy. This time, getting along with Gu Xin knows that Jun is not a dull person. The person, although she is silent, but the brain is very clear, she can not understand the meaning of Lin Haoyu, but she still said so.

A uneasiness rose in the heart of Gu Xinyi.

Lin Haoyu's explanation attracted a sneer from Fan Zhuo and others. They all looked at Lin Haoyu, who was deceiving himself, with a pitiful look.

Lin Haoyu was stunned by those eyes. He almost turned around urgently and wanted to get affirmation from the innocent mouth.

"Jun no! You tell them, is this the case." Now it is only the innocent person who can reverse this situation. Even if Lin Haoyu doesn't like Jun, he has to ask her opinion.

Jun ignorantly said: "Sorry, we are not familiar."

The six words, like a blue sky slamming on the top of Lin Haoyu, he looked at the innocent, and these six words almost told everyone, she, no evil, there is no need to join the **** temple.

No, no now, no later... no more!

What Lin Haoyu said before, after the innocent and ruthless disclosure of the truth, it seems so ridiculous.

And Joe Chu, they are not afraid of their ridicule, their eyes are sharp as a knife, and Lin Haoyu's face is scraped off.

These words, but they are not only Joe Chu, but the teenagers who are watching from outside the pavilion have a panoramic view of it.

Jun has never thought of joining the Bloody Temple. Everything that happened during this time is nothing but the wishful thinking of the Bloody Temple.

Nowadays, these people think of it, although Jun was not close to Gu Xin’s, but the only one in the **** temple that has contact with her, only Gu Xin’s one, if Jun is really evil, he has joined the blood. Temple, then shouldn't she be part of the team in the Bloody Hall?

The details that were ignored by people were provoked a little bit. This scene made them suddenly realize that they had guessed wrong before.

Lin Haoyu’s face was blue and white, and his body was shaking. He gritted his teeth and looked at Jun No Evil. He couldn’t believe what Jun said in the end!

At this moment, her refusal is equivalent to pushing the **** temple down the abyss!

"You..." Lin Haoyu was annoyed and wanted to shoot, but was suddenly held up by Rong Rong.

"How? When things are exposed, they are angry and angry?" Rong Ruo smiled and smiled.

Lin Haoyu's face is red, squinting at the innocent, he can't wait for the innocent corpse, but if it is in front of the innocent, this makes Lin Haoyu have no such opportunity.

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