Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1581: Unwilling revenge 2

Unable to seek justice from the Five Halls, Lin Haoyu put all the anger of the heart on the body of the innocent. August 1st Chinese website? W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

If it is not innocent, how can the **** temple fall to this point?

The seeds of hatred took root in his heart. At night, Lin Haoyu quietly walked out of the room and walked out of the attic.

In the moonlight, Lin Haoyu walked to the dormitory where the old man was, and knocked on a closed door.

After the door opened for a while, a tall, handsome young man was looking at the gloomy Lin Haoyu.

"Lin Shao, how come you? Come in." The young man recognized Lin Haoyu's identity and rushed in.

He was a disciple of the Bloody Temple. He was arranged in the sacred meeting several years ago and entered the Yunxiao College as a selected person.

In every battle hall, **** temples will insert several disciples into the college to maintain the stability of the teenagers in the temple.

Lin Haoyu sat down in the chair next to him and looked at the youth in front of him.

"Xu Mu, what is your strength now?" Lin Haoyu looked at Xu Mu, his eyes were deep.

Xu Mu used to be the most powerful talent in the same period of the **** temple. When he had not yet entered Yunxiao College, he had already reached the realm of Lan Ling. He was also one of the same batch of teenagers, the closest to Zi Ling.

"Just broke through the purple spirit." Xu Mudao.

Lin Haoyu’s mouth evoked a vicious smile. “There is something, I need you to do it.”

"What is it?" Xu Mu wondered.

"I want you to deal with Jun." Lin Haoyu squinted his eyes and opened his mouth.

Xu Mu’s face showed a strange look. In fact, they had heard about the new life in this period of time. They just heard about it, but Gu Xinyi kept them from coming forward, preventing the old people of other temples from getting involved, so Xu Mu people in this group of **** temples can only observe in the dark, but do not get their hands.

Jun has no such words for Xu Mu, they are no strangers, Xu Mu knows that the current situation of the **** palace and Jun has no great relationship.

"Don't deal with Jun? This is not difficult, but Missy had an order before, so that we should not intervene in these things. If I do this, Missy knows..." Xu Mu is a bit embarrassed, Lin Haoyu is the grandson of the elders. But Gu Xinyi is the big lady of the Bloody Temple.

Lin Haoyu sneered, "I am here to find you, just to enjoy."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Haoyu flashed a hint of haze over his eyes, but he regretted it on the surface.

"Before Xin Yan and Jun Wu had a good relationship, you also know, but Jun does not have that despicable villain, but he uses the goodness of Missy and puts us together. It doesn't matter, this time, Xinxin has not left. The room, it seems that it is unclear, she is soft, but we are the **** temple, but we can’t watch our young lady being bullied. I can assure you, as long as you I will ensure that you will not be able to clean up. I will ensure that your position in the Bloody Palace will be second only to the elders. I will tell my grandfather and let him focus on cultivating you. After all, your strength is so outstanding, if your origin is too low, now It should have been mixed up in the hall already." Lin Haoyu threw a bait to Xu Mu. Xu Mu is good, that is, his birth is too low, which is one of the reasons why he was sent.

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