Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1584: Unwilling revenge 5

If this person does not find Yuan Yuege, it is too lazy to take care of it. August 1st? Wen? W (1) W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (one) 1 (one) ZW. COM

Xu Mudao: "I don't matter who I am. What's important is that I am the one who comes to clean up your shameless little devil."

Xu Mu’s mouth sneered with a sneer: “I’m really curious, who is giving you the courage to let you have a face in the Yunxiao College to mix and drink, just because you don’t know where to come out Family? It’s ridiculous. If you don’t have the Royal Soul, are you a fart? Don’t you think that Yunxiao College doesn’t intend to teach you anything? Or do you think it’s glory like a locust?”

The eyes of the innocent are slightly picked up, and Xu Mu’s words are extremely ugly. This person said so many insulting words when he came up, and the innocent people can be sure that the purpose of the other party is definitely not to come to marry her.

The silence of the innocent, let Xu Mu come to the spirit, he knows that Lin Haoyu is here, looking at it all here, he knows Lin Haoyu hatred of the innocent, for his own future, naturally he will finish this The play, let the innocent dead after suffering the humiliation.

"Come on, let's take a look. Yunxiao College has the most despicable and shameless waste in history." Xu Mu opened his arms to the curious onlookers around him. "Do you all know this? Jun no! Now the only one of the Royal Souls, mastering the soul and solidifying the law, Ha! The soul is solid, is there any magic? Is it a unique one? This young master is a big shelf, taking advantage of his racial superiority. I smashed the face of the Twelve Halls. Just one thing I was very curious, a really powerful person, would you really choose the Lingyao Palace and give up the Twelve Halls? I don’t think so? Someone should be afraid of their own point. The effort of the three-legged cat is now seen in the 12th Hall. If there is no way to continue to pretend to be strong, will it be forced to choose it?"

Xu Mu’s eyes flashed with vicious light. He and the innocent, no enmity and no blame, blame only the innocent people who provoked the people who should not be provoked, and now they can only make her a stepping stone.

"If it is our grandfather, if it is so powerful, why did it enter the Yunxiao College, but it was thrown into this wine cellar? Yuan Yuege is the wine cellar of our college, but this place is good to call the wine cellar. It’s hard to hear that it’s an abandoned garbage dump. I’ve heard that you don’t have to come out to dump garbage regularly. This is the only treatment of the Royal Souls? Falling garbage? Hahaha!” Xu Mu’s laughter.

"If I am you, I definitely don't have that face to continue to rely on here. Yunxiao College can't see you garbage that you don't learn. You have no self-knowledge. You have to rely on the garbage heap, you are in the end. Do you want to shame? I am ashamed of Yunxiao College’s having such a waste!”

A sneer of sneak screaming on the innocent body, the onlookers all around showed a malicious smile, the innocent soul solid method, at first they made them feel very unique, but with the innocent being Yunxiao College “abandoned” and they felt that it was no big deal for the gods.

Otherwise why is the best Yunxiao Academy giving up such a good disciple?

Jun no evil took a deep breath, forced to press the impulse to twist the other's neck, cold channel: "Are you finished?"

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