Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1598: Bloody Temple Guest 1

If it is someone else, it’s just that Xu Mu is a **** temple person. He is also a class in the Yunxiao Academy and cannot be compared with ordinary disciples. ?八一中?文??W?W?W?. (8) 8?1?ZW. COM


"Cough, Xu Mu was seriously injured by the sister." Tian Ze gave the culprit.

The little old man raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Xiao Ya? How did the man provoke her, and she was able to let her take it, but it was not easy." The old man’s face was still with a sense of emotion.

Tian Ze is dumbfounded.

This is not the time to sigh the sister "finally" shot, right? This is not the question to ask the teacher and sister why do you want to make people look like that?

Tian Ze had also seen it after Xu Mu was injured. However, he saw with his own eyes how much Xu Mu was stunned by Su Ya. The handsome face is now swollen and no different from the pig head. It’s been half a month. I have not seen any signs of dissipation.

It can be imagined that Suya was at the start.

I didn’t want the life of Xu Mu.

"Because Jun did not." Tian Ze helpless opening.

"Jun no? What is the little guy?" The old man became curious.

Tian Ze will go to the door of Yuan Yuege before Xu Mu, attempting to shoot the innocent, and then said the consequences of Suya’s face.

The little old man listened with relish, and his face was still smiling.

"The **** temple and the king are not? This is interesting. I can see that the little guy is quiet and silent. It is really anxious to bring the **** temple to the eye. It’s really bad. Xiaoya is doing this right, his own apprentice I don’t care for myself, who cares? I think Xiaoya’s temper has converged a lot in recent years. When she was bullied, did she not directly kill the door and destroy the other side? It seems that the years have been However, her temper has converged a lot. I am grateful." The little old man touched his beard, and the smile was particularly gratifying.

If this is to let other people hear it, it is necessary to vomit blood, and the muscles and veins of the fight are broken. Actually, it still calls for convergence.

Feelings in the eyes of the little old man, is it a matter of course that Suya has copied people's houses?

Tianze has become accustomed to the magical setting of his own master and his sister. He does not express any opinion on the dissatisfaction of the three old men.


Master, when the old man praises the teacher and protects the nephew, can you look at the apprentice who has been abused into a dog all day! !

Say good scorpion!

"There is already a person coming over the **** temple. This is the hand of the teacher. Is it afraid that it is not easy to solve?" Tianze tried to calm himself down.

Master and sister are already crazy. As the only normal person in the division, he must hold on!

The little old man pulled his own beard and said carelessly: "Even if it is Xiaoya’s hand, but I am a ruler of Yunxiao College, they have to keep it. If you are a person from Yunyun College, why should you enter the college?"

The apprentice protects the disciple, and his ancestors will naturally give them a top!

Tian Zedao: "But the people sent by the Bloody Temple were originally from our Yunxiao College."

"Oh?" The old man raised his eyebrows slightly, and he would send those old stubbornness when he was in the **** temple.

"who is it?"

"The ancient shadow." Tianze Road.

At the moment when the two words fell into the ears of the little old man, there was a strange look on the face of the little old man.

"How is he?"

He didn't ask much about the disciples of Yunxiao College on weekdays, but the ancient figure, he remembered very clearly.

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