Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1605: Devils are coming 4

If there is one day, it should really give up its own preferences because of the control of Yunxiao College. I am afraid that this world will be in chaos. Bayi Chinese W≈W≥W≥. ≈81ZW. COM

When Gu Yun left the Yunxiao Academy, Gu Xinyi knew very well that if the ancient shadows were as regular as they were, the tragedy of that year would not be born. Even after so many years, Gu Xinyi understood that the ancient shadow is still the ancient Shadow, he never changed his killing and arrogance.

"You just said that it is Junya’s mentor Suya?" The shadow of the ancient movie suddenly turned.

Lin Haoyu nodded, and the shadow of the ancient shadow showed a smile.

"It is time for me to give the medicine to Xu Mu." When the ancient movie appeared, Lin Haoyu looked at the shadows, but Gu Xin’s eyes were a little worried.

The inquiry of the ancient shadows caused great anxiety in her heart.

When the ancient shadow walked out of the door, there were two face-to-face Yunxiao College instructors standing outside the door. The two of them saw the ancient shadow and immediately went forward.

"Tianze tutor told you that if you want to go elsewhere, you must be accompanied by us and must pass his consent."

The ancient shadow smirked: "Tianze tutor is really nervous. I am going to give Xu Mu a medicine now. Does he agree?"

The two mentor looked at each other and then nodded to the shadow.

The two stood on both sides of the ancient shadow and watched him die.

There was no discomfort in the shadow, and his face was still in the room of Xu Mu under the supervision of two people. On the way, the strange combination of three people caught the attention of many disciples, and many people voted for it. Sight.

The ancient image is really not intended to do anything. He came to Xu Mu’s room. Xu Mu lying in bed is still in a semi-conscious state. Several medical divisions’ tutors are taking care of him. After the ancient shadows are gone, they will The medicine of the **** temple was sent to the hands of the mentor, and the two mentor who followed him were strictly awaiting.

"I have a request." The shadow turned to the two mentor.

"What is it?"

"I want to see someone who will hurt Xu Mu." The old shadow smiled.

The two mentor immediately frowned.

"The Yunxiao Academy has always been a battle between disciples. I know this very well, but I have heard that it is not the disciple of Yunxiao College, but the tutor here. She has her power, but the instructor who is not in the department has intervened to discipline disciples, and the shots are so heavy. Is it afraid that some can't be said?" Obviously, Gu Ying has a good understanding of Yunxiao College's system.

The two tutors were hesitant, and eventually they stayed behind. The other went to find Tian Ze and asked Tian Ze’s opinion. Tian Ze directly came over.

Stretching a face and looking at the ancient shadow of laughter.

"You want to see Suya?" Tian Ze looked at the shadows smoothly.

The ancient shadow said: "The elite of the **** temple has suffered such a large loss. I think that as the next lord of the **** temple, I have this power. I will see the person who injured him, or that the Tianze tutor is worried. I am not good for that Suya tutor?"

Tianze did not speak.

Can Gu Ying be disadvantaged to Suya?

This is really a big joke, even if he is not an opponent of Suya, relying on the strength of the shadow, I want to find the trouble of Suya, I am afraid I have to measure it.

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