Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1617: Danger under the night 4

“Don't anyone teach you, do you have to knock on the door before entering the door?”

A little cool voice was introduced into the ears of the black men. The faces of the black men showed a hint of surprise. They turned around and saw that they were at the window of the moonlight. A petite figure appeared quietly. With a faint moonlight, it was faintly visible that it was a handsome boy, but what was surprising was that on the face that was not so good, there was a pair of The ridge of the human spine. ?八一中?文W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

The appearance of the boy, so that a few black people are slightly stunned, they simply did not notice the appearance of the other party.

Where they are now, it is just where the students of Yunxiao College are located. They simply did not think that a boy who looks so thin will actually show their whereabouts.

However, they did not intend to go to the majority of the other party. One of the black men, when the deserted voice landed, had already rushed to the boy in the moonlight.

But before he was close to the other half, the figure was in front of the boy in an instant, and a few dazzling purple auras rushed to the black man who rushed over at the same time.

The black man was completely unprepared, and suddenly he was attacked by several purple spirits at the same time, and he was forced to retreat back!

When he was able to hold his body, he fixed his eyes and looked at it with his companions behind him!

Under the illumination of the purple aura, the five figures stand in front of their eyes. It is a teenager with five looks, and what makes the black man’s door even more surprised is that in those teenagers, they are all scattered. A strong purple aura!

The spirit is strong, it is the most pure purple spirit, instead of using some methods to force the upgraded pseudo-purple.

However, the ages of the teenagers seemed to be such a young age, but the strength they showed made the black people’s hearts slightly surprised.

These teenagers are not only purple spirit, but also the strength is purple spirit three!

Even in the middle three circles, it is extremely difficult to break through the purple spirit before the age of twenty. If there is a breakthrough, it is also a genius in the genius, one of the best in the glory, not to mention the promotion to purple before the age of twenty. The realm of spirit three!

You must know that after breaking through the purple spirit, every level of improvement is a suffocating torture.

The miracles that are impossible to be born are presented in front of their eyes. The spiritual power that is unleashed in the nameless juvenile is so strong that there is no falsehood at all.

"It's so rude, it's so rude to take in, it's really a group of unlovable 'guests'." Fan Zhuo's face with a warm smile, leisurely opening.

"I would like to ask, how many of you guys, big night, ran to the door of our little evil child to prepare for something?" Qiao Chu clenched his fists, his slightly raised chin was full The provocative taste.

In addition to Vatican and Qiao Chu, the flower buds, non-smoke and Rong Ruo have already stood by them, and the priests behind them are behind them, but they are slowly coming to the front, the cold scorpions, I looked at the few black men who were so sad.

"You looking for me?"

The black men were slightly stunned, and they didn’t even think that the people who had investigated them by the ancients turned out to be teenagers who were only open!

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