Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1633: The most is the injury 1

Although Yunxiao College’s cultivation is harsh and boring, their cultivation here is far more than their previous records. They have just adapted to the brutality of Yunxiao College. They are preparing to calm down and temper them. The college said... can they get out of the way?

For a time, all the new students could not accept this decision, and the voice of the discussion sounded one after another. ?八一中文??网?W≤WW. 81ZW. COM

Those old people who have been with them for more than ten years have secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with the regrets of the new students, they are considered to be fed up with the cultivation that can’t see the way forward. They feel quite good and feel that they can leave the sky. The college went to various halls to report and found a world.

In the entire Yunxiao Academy, the reactions of the teenagers were divided into two types.

One is the old-fashioned cry, and the other is the new teeth.

However, no matter which one, you can't change the decision of Yunxiao College.

When Jun Wu was informed of this news, she was awkward. She looked at the complex emotions in Suya’s eyes sitting on the soft couch.

Suya rarely had no drinking today, just sitting there quietly wondering what she was thinking. After a long time, she took a picture of her side: "Sit down."

I sat in the past without any evil.

"Complete it, you have been here for me for almost a year. I thought about watching you crush the bunch of rabbits a year later, but it seems that there is no chance." Suya’s tone was a little regrettable, saying To be honest, the innocent is not a disciple with more words. If you don’t speak anything, it will never work. It’s quiet every day, and it’s easy to ignore her existence.

However, she did more in silence than others.

Every layer of the Royal Soul Branch will be cleaned regularly. Suya drunk and fell asleep. Jun has no intention to prepare a small blanket and quietly cover her. Every time a hangover wakes up, Suya always looks at it. To his own soft couch is a bowl of sobering soup, and the taste is light with a hint of sweetness, and will not let people resist.

Su Ya sometimes can't help but think that accepting this apprentice may be God's compensation to her. Jun will never let her bother, but instead will take care of her master, even if she drinks too much, and the innocent is silent. The followers behind her have cleaned up the mess for her, and there has never been a partial complaint.

Su Ya looks at the innocent, obviously a little face that looks ugly, at most it is a delicate face, but the more she looks at her, the more she feels that no evil looks better than anyone.

I really want to bring this stupid apprentice again.

She hasn't given everything to the innocent, how can she be separated?

Jun looked at Suya and sat quietly. Xu was surrounded by friends mostly males. There were no women among his loved ones. Suya gave her a subtle feeling. She was a master and more like a mother.

Suya may not be good at expressing her feelings, nor is she good at caring for people, but she protects her innocence in her own way.

As Suya once said, her apprentice must not be bullied by others.

This kind of strong maintenance is very novel and warm for the innocent people who have always used to solve problems by themselves.

"Silly boy, back in the future, do not forget as a teacher, or ends of the earth, his aging mother would chase the last beat you to vomit blood!" Suya, raising his hand and rubbed his head monarch innocent, although smiling, but it makes I can't feel a little joy.

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