Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1647: The worry of the **** temple 5

From the beginning to the end, the ancient shadows were silently on the side, silently watching the anciently favored Gu Xinyi, the smile on his face never dispersed. ??八一中?文?W=W≤W≈. 81ZW. COM

The return of Gu Xinyi made the mood of the ancients great. On the same day, in order to collect the dust for the returning teenagers, it was also to celebrate the return of Gu Xinyi. The **** temple held a grand banquet and banqueted everyone to gather together.

Gu Xinyi was sitting next to the ancient meaning, with a shallow smile on his face, but the smile was light and it made people feel a little far-fetched and somewhat stiff.

"Hey, what's the matter? Why do you come back this time, always feel that you are a little depressed?" The ancient look at Gu Xinying, full of worry, this daughter, he has been holding hands in the hands of dare to let her suffer a little wrong, Now that I saw Gu Xin’s somewhat absent-minded appearance, he could not help but worry.

Gu Xinyi squinted and shook his head.

"No, it's just a little tired." Gu Xin smiled and took the matter with him, but she did not know how entangled her inner struggle on the road.

Every time I dreamt back at midnight, there will always be such a shadow in her dreams. If she is away, it seems to be within reach, but whenever she reaches out, the person is getting farther and farther away from her. How can I not touch it? .

"It’s hard for you, come back." The old-fashioned loving mouth.

When Gu Xin smiled and laughed, he was not saying anything. When Gu Xinyi took back his sight, his eyes suddenly saw him sitting in the corner and staring at the ancient shadow of her laugh.

That smile made Gu Xin a slight shock.

She is a half-brother with the ancient shadow. The mother of the ancient shadow married her mother and the ancient meaning. When Gu Xin was still a child, she had seen the mother of the ancient shadow. It was a very beautiful woman. Gu Xinyi still remembers that the **** stumbled into the quiet little courtyard, the woman sitting quietly under the peach tree.

That is the most beautiful person I have ever seen in this life.

The mother of ancient shadows.

Among the nine palaces, the small palace owner of the Lingxu Palace.

It is also the most beautiful person in the 12th Hall of the Nine Palaces.

There have been rumors that the small palace owner of the Lingxu Palace is the most beautiful person in the middle three circles. Countless young talents have tried their best to make her smile. The ancient meaning is also one of the original pursuers. I don’t know why the spiritual palace is The small palace owner chose to marry the ancient meaning, and thought it was a good story of the goodnight, but everything after that changed completely.

In the **** temple, no one dared to mention that one. When I was a child, Gu Xinyi only saw the person once in the inadvertent intrusion. It was really beautiful.

But I don't know why, the ancient meaning changed the appearance of the small palace of the Emperor's Palace, and it changed into a look, no longer like the diligent love of the pursuit, but with coldness and alienation.

Even the birth of the ancient shadow did not save all of this. On the day of the birth of the ancient shadow, the ancient meaning just married the mother of Gu Xinyi in the **** temple. The **** temple in that moment was full of joy, but no People remember that the little palace owner who was born in pain.

Gu Xinyi did not remember when the little palace owner died. She only knew that her death was silent. After several years of her death, Gu Xinyu learned the news.

Gu Xin did not know, deliberately the difference between her and the ancient shadow.

It is obviously his child, but his harshness on the ancient times, sometimes let Gu Xinyi look at some flustered.

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