Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1656: Heshou 4

"I will give you five minutes to consider the time. August 1 Chinese network W≈WW.81ZW.COM" Jun innocent.

"..." The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao once again rushed to the urge to kill the innocent.

go with? How is he going?

When the Lingyao Temple was not yet down, he would never go to any occasion. Regarding his "special physique", he asked him to go to the temple of Jinghong and watch the crowds and men who came and went... The main light of the temple of Lingyao is to think of it.

This kid knows clearly, but also ran to ask him, what kind of heart!

"His Royal Highness!" A soft, sweet voice rang.

The figure of Zixiao did not know when it appeared in the hall. She slowly walked to the front of the temple of Lingyao Temple.

"The son is willing to go to the Jinghong Hall with the gentleman." The child bowed his head and steadfastly opened his mouth.

Lingyao Temple has been suppressed for many years, and the child is clear again. If Jun is not evil, it is true. If you are innocent, you can really give the 12th Hall a heavy blow. All of this is willing to witness it.

The main hall of Lingyao Temple frowned slightly, and looked at the child with his head lowered. After a while, he looked up and looked at Jun.

"Is it right for me to go?"

Jun nodded and nodded. She just offered a choice for the partner. She didn't mind who went to her.

The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao once again looked at Zizi.

"My son, I will let you go and go to the Jinghong Hall with the gentleman, but one thing you have to remember is that no matter what you do, you must not sneak into it. You are not only involved in yourself. It is the whole Lingyao Temple." The voice of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao was less lazy and more cautious.

Zi Yan is the one who brought him big, and he is the clearest about the son of Zi Zi.

The child is very mellow, but it is also very impatient. The inability to resist the temper is her fatal weakness. Once she enters the Jinghong Hall, she is like a sheep into the wolves. If she is a little careless, she will have no bones.

"The child knows."

The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao is still not at ease. I can’t help but say no to the king: "Your boy is mixing and drinking in my Lingyao Palace for so long. Today I will hand over the son to you, but I said it to you." Whether you have a success or not, you have to bring her back safely, otherwise the cooperation between us will be interrupted."

Jun no nodded nodded.

The head of the temple of Lingyao confessed a few words with the son, and let people let the innocent people leave.

Walking out of Lingyao Temple, the sun shines on the earth, the sky is clear, the weather is not bad.

Compared with the Lingyao Temple in the four seasons, the hills in the hills were slightly deserted, and the sons and sisters were behind them. They seemed to be uncomfortable with this sudden low temperature, and they could not help but shake.

At this time, a thick cloak was placed on her hand, and the child looked up in a strange way, but he was confronted with the indifference of the innocent.

"Pull." Jun faint faint opening, then turned around and continued on the road.

Zixiao slightly opened his mouth, looked at the cloak in his hand, and looked at the innocent back of his eyes. What was shining in his big eyes?

The nightingale and the night are alone behind the innocent, looking at the slightly backward son, his eyes are weird.

It’s better to be alone in the night, just think that my own lady is really “gentle and considerate”.

However, the look of the nightingale has become somewhat subtle. He seems to see the emotions that appeared in Qu Lingyue’s eyes in the eyes of Zizi...

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