Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1664: Opportunity to choose 3 monthly ticket

"Kill the moon elders, ruin the Shadowmoon Hall, rescue your sister, do you still go or not?" Jun no evil eyes slightly picked up, looked at Yueyi smoothly, she did not intend to face the moon so early The temple shot, but now I don't mind going ahead of the matter. Bayi Chinese Network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

Anyway, she will not let go of the twelve temples, isn't it?

Yue Yi looked at the innocent, and there was a shock in his eyes. The boy’s age was obviously younger than him, but somehow, every word she said made his heart tremble slightly.

"Trust and unbelief, you don't have to choose for the time being. After the end of the Jinghong Temple, you can make a decision." Jun is not eager to reply, she is very clear, what will Yue Yue ultimately choose.

He has no way to go.

As she was at the beginning, there is only one way to go.

"In the time of the Jinghong Hall, you are the representative of the Shadowmoon Hall, and we are just your companions. Do you understand?" Jun looked at Yueyi Road.

"You are not afraid of me selling you?" Yue Yi did not know the self-confidence of the innocent, not only did not kill him, but gave him a certain freedom. If he appeared in the Jinghong Hall, he only needed to expose the facts, then Jun Innocent moments will appear in the dilemma of the enemy.

Isn't she afraid?

Jun no evil raised his eyebrows slightly, "You will let go, the only chance?"

Yue Yi glimpsed, and immediately lowered his gaze.

"Night, loose." Jun is innocent.

When the nightingale was about to unwind the ropes on Yueyi, it was completely unprepared.

"You can go to rest." Jun shrugs his shoulders.

Yue Yi deeply looked at Jun innocent eyes and immediately turned and left.

After the departure of Yue Yi, the nightingale could not help but ask: "Do you really believe this person?"

Jun Wuji picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of hot tea to drink slowly.

"Why don't you believe?"

Those who have not experienced complete despair will not know how much craving for a life-saving straw.

In the future without a bright future, even if it is to kill a **** road and bear the name of killing, it cannot be abandoned.

Yue Yi can not think for himself, but he has to fight for his sister.

Being able to bear the burden of humiliation for her sister for many years, and dare to admit to her stranger, this young boy is afraid that he has been forced to a desperate situation.

"Look at the appearance of Yue Yi, probably 17 or 18 years old, his sister is afraid of being out of the delicate and pretty, a demon who is not even willing to let go, how can he let go of a The little girl?" The innocent eyes were drooping, and the eyes were full of disgust.

What she is most intolerant is the filth.

Yue Yi’s heart is dying, I’m afraid I understand that I have no hope. He should know how his sister’s end will be, and he has no saving power. He just wants to disappear completely from this world. Devil, with his life.

When the night smashed the words of the innocent, if the mind was thoughtful, it was the night of silence.

Night Solitary and Nightingale are two souls. Although they are not like ordinary brothers and sisters, the relationship between the brothers and sisters is not false. He is naturally able to appreciate the despair of Yueyi.

"As long as you let Yueyi understand, cooperate with me, you can achieve his wishes. How can he give up these opportunities?" Jun Wuxie looked at the cup of tea, and the temple was sure to give Yueyi enough confidence.

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