Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1669: Deja vu 1

"Little evil man? Are you sure you are not mistaken?" ?八一中文网???W(一)W(一)W(一). ?8?1 (eight) Z?W?. ?C?OM

Qiao Chu touched his nose and said: "There should be no, although the appearance has changed, but the eyes killed me, I will not admit it, and... I feel that the momentum of the nightingale and the night is not mimicked by a few people. It is."

If you only see people who are suspected of being innocent, Qiao Chu may not have such a grasp, but he clearly sees that among the three people around the innocent, the temperament of the two is very similar to that of the nightingale and the night. There is absolutely no mistake.

Non-smoke rubbed his eyes, and the corner of his mouth smirked a bad smile. Since he had come in person, I am afraid that this birthday feast will be extremely exciting!

When the two men said it for a while, they spread out, as if they didn't know each other.

The Jinghong Hall is still full of excitement. The team that came to Heshou in the 12th Hall is almost in line, and other scattered small forces, in front of the 12th Hall, are not even dare to say a word.

Gu Xinyu walked into the hall in the warm welcome of the disciples of Jinghong Temple. On the white and pretty face, it was only a shallow smile, and it was polite and alienated. The noise around him made her somewhat intolerant, but only Standing here hard, talking and laughing with those people.

Among the crowds, Gu Xin’s eyes swept through the crowd at random, but when her eyes touched a pair of deserted scorpions, she could not help but tremble.

The eyes moved away in an instant, but they left a cool feeling in the heart of Gu Xin’s heart. The coolness was mixed with the chilling heat, which made her breathing become a little short in an instant.


Gu Xin couldn't believe his eyes. She seemed to see the familiar figure in the crowd. The eyes couldn't help but follow the person. Even the disciples of Jinghong Temple didn't listen to half of the ear.

"What are you looking for?" The slightly smiling voice rang in the ears of Gu Xin.

Gu Xinyu was a little stiff, and quickly converge on the instigation in his eyes, calmly turned his head and looked at the ancient shadows beside him.

This time, I came to the Jinghong Hall. The ancient idea was to send her to go with the ancient shadows. The two brothers and sisters along the way did not talk much.

"Nothing." Gu Xin's subconsciously concealed his own guess. I don't know why. The danger of the ancient shadow always made her want to erase the innocence from the sight of the ancient shadow. Half-point does not want the ancient shadow to notice that one. The existence of man.

The ancient shadow looked at Gu Xin’s pretentious expression, and his mouth chewed a smile, but he didn’t ask much. How could he miss the flash of the flash of Gu Xin’s eyes?

The shadows of the ancient shadows picked up slightly and swept slowly in the crowds, trying to find something.

However, among the halls of the Jinghong Hall, there are so many people who lived there, and the people who stood there have already been washed away by the crowd. He could not find any clues.

Gu Xin’s eyes are always looking for in the crowd. Her heart can’t help but feel a little nervous. She immediately said: “I’m tired, I want to go to rest first, and the things here are temporarily responsible by my brother. ""

"Good." The ancient shadow raised his eyebrows slightly, and the smile on his face did not decrease.

Gu Xin’s smile was a bit reluctant. He left the hall and went to the residence under the leadership of the disciples of Jinghong Temple.

The birthday banquet of the Lord of the Hall of Sorrow will last for ten days, and within ten days, everyone who comes to Heshou will live in the Jinghong Hall.

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