Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1674: Falling flowers intentionally flowing water ruthless 2

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet Xin Yan's sister again today. It is really a big fate.? Eight?? One? Chinese network W=W=W=.=8≤1=Z≤W≈.≥C≤ O ≥ M" Zhuge Yin smiled and smiled, completely unaware of the alienation of Gu Xin's tone.

The ancient shadow sits on the chair, and the slender fingers hold the cup of the wine glass. The smiling scorpion falls on Zhuge Yin’s body like nothing, and the killing is hidden in the eyes.

Gu Xin’s perfunctory smile, just as Zhuge Yin still wanted to say something, her eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of her figure, her eyes trembled.

Jun Wuxie, Yue Yue, and Zi Yan walked into the hall together. Under the leadership of Jinghong Temple disciples, they found their position and sat down. The strength of the Shadow Moon Temple is not strong in the 12th Temple, so they are not evil. The location, although in the first row, is close to the door, and it took a few steps to go. Together with the beautiful face of each of them, she and her son deliberately concealed it. Appearance, naturally, will not attract the attention of others.

However, it is such an understatement that still captures someone's gaze.

After Gu Xin’s innocence entered the hall, his eyes fell on her body involuntarily. Gu Xin’s faintly wanted to find some familiar traces from the innocent, and he looked at it for a while.

Zhuge Yin, who was thinking about how to get close to Gu Xin, soon showed the absent-mindedness of Gu Xinyi. His gaze subconsciously followed Gu Xin’s gaze, but now Gu Xin’s eyes are watching. It is a teenager of Shadowmoon Hall.

What is the look of such a young boy? Why did this kind of abnormal reaction appear on Gu Xin’s face?

Zhuge Yin’s heart rises unpleasantly, but he does not want to be revealed in front of Gu Xin’s.

"Xin Xin's sister, who is seated in the next place, will have the opportunity to revisit in the future." Zhuge Yindao.

Gu Xin’s return to the gods, but the mind has fallen on the body of the innocent, just nodded faintly, and the eyes still look like no evil.

These circumstances made Zhuge Yinxin's dissatisfaction, but he could not do it. He could only turn to the non-smoke and sit in his own position, but the haze of the eyes could not be dispersed.

Non-smoke has always followed Zhuge Yin's side. Naturally, she noticed the abnormality of Zhuge Yin and the strangeness of Gu Xinyi. He glanced at the side quietly and almost laughed.


People who look at the feelings of ancient Xin Xin are innocent!

Non-smokers are also young francs with "pre-wives". Naturally, they can't mistake the hidden feelings in Gu Xin's eyes.

This makes the non-smoking involuntarily think of the iron queen, Qu Ling Yue.

The original Qu Lingyue, looking at the innocent eyes of the monarch, is not the case?

The non-smoke is sitting in the position, and the corner of the mouth is full of smiles.

This is interesting. Isn't this the big lady of the **** temple, who is a little evil?

At the thought of Zhuge Yin’s enthusiasm for Gu Xin’s enthusiasm, and then seeing the emergence of Jun Wu’s evil, Gu Xin’s reaction, non-smoke, do not have to think about it, with Zhuge Yin’s heart, I’m afraid it’s already secretly hated Jun. No evil.

This good play has not yet begun, and there is so much right and wrong in the innocent, non-smoke, I really feel that this time the birthday party is definitely a good show.

Although it is said in this way, but when the appearance of the room in the hall, the non-smoke eyes are also quickly fragrant with their own "quasi-wife", a pair of eyes can not wait to stick directly to Rong Ruo.

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