Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1681: Don't you hug me? 5

Jun Wuxu noticed that the lotus flower that had been covered on the peak of the hill had been turned into a little bit of stars scattered on the ground, gradually hidden in the mud. ????? 中?文W?W?W?. (a) 8 (one) 1? Z (eight) W?. (8) C?O (eight) M

"What is this flower?" she asked in a loud voice.

"Like?" Jun no medicine raised his head.

"What is it?" Jun did not answer him, but only satisfied his curiosity first.

Jun no medicine raised a hand, a black mist enveloped in his palm, until the fog dispersed, a scattered halo of lotus is lying quietly in his palm.

Jun looked at the lotus flower and looked at Jun without medicine.

She never felt a trace of spiritual power in the body of Jun, and the power he used was extremely strange to her, but in theory, it should be equivalent to the spiritual power they used.

It can be imagined that it was only a piece of flower sea that Jun had no medicine to use his power to make a little bit of it. The beautiful picture was supported by his power.

The consumption of any power is extremely precious to the owner.

At least no evil, you will never use your own purple spirit to put a fireworks, a fun, such a "luxury" move, and only if you have no medicine to do it.

Jun No Evil has satisfied his curiosity and looked at Jun without medicine: "Are you walking with me? Or are you playing by yourself?"

In the world, I dare to talk to the king without medicine. I am afraid that she is only one of her.

"How? Want to abandon me? Pro, you are not responsible?" Jun has no medicine.

"..." Jun was innocent, and she turned her head to look at the three nights who had been hiding in the dark.

"Night, come over."

The nightingale was mingling with the night charm, exchanging each other's gossip, and the result was so immortalized that the face was immediately positive and a serious walk.

"Missy." The nightingale was kneeling on one knee.

"Take off." Jun has no words to spit out a word.

The nightingale is dumbfounded.

Take off...

What to take off...

Jun’s eyes were slightly lifted, and although the mouth was still smiling, but looking at the nightingale’s gaze, the nightingale could not wait to be born.

"Undressing." Jun said it again.

And this time is also a little more detailed, but...

The nightingale is more likely to die.

Missy, you are responsible for speaking!

Didn't you see Grandpa looking at me and I can't wait to tear me away?

"Big... Missy... you... you are... what do you mean..." The nightingale was daring under the gaze of the drug.

"You are similar to his body, take off your clothes and let him change, and the ******** on your face is also handed over to him." Jun Wu did not notice that she Just a few words that I said when I was saved, I almost sent the nightingale into a land that could never be recovered.

"He didn't mean to follow me?" Jun no evil raised his eyebrows.

During the night time and the night of the night, they are dressed in the costumes of the Shadowmoon Hall. The body of the night is a teenager, and it is a little slender. However, the height of the nightingale is similar to that of the monarch, and Jun can only wear the night. The clothes on the body can be followed by the innocent in the temple of Jinghong.

With the explanation of Jun Wuxie, the nightingale immediately breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took off his coat and uncovered his face, and handed it to Jun. medicine.

Jun took no such thing as a medicine, and looked at the innocent eyes with a hint of unsatisfactory laughter.

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