It’s innocent and obsessive to observe all of this. The departure of the ancient shadows is definitely not because of Gu Xin’s words. In August 1st, the text network? W≥W=W≠. ≤8≥1≤Z≤W≥. ≤C≤O≠M

What is it for?

"You said, will the **** temple be in trouble with the Zhulong Temple?" The son is a little excited, and this is no evil, but he has not had time to take it. The two masters of the Bloody Temple and the Zhulong Temple are smashed up. Does this mean that they may not have to take the shot and they can take advantage of the fishermen?

Jun No Evil shook his head. "The ancient times are no matter what, Gu Xinyi will not agree to such a thing. Moreover, the small mouth can not represent anything, this little friction is in the temples, there is nothing at all. Big deal."

Are there few battles between the twelve temples?

When the world was broken, the killing of the Temple of All Souls was not born, but even if it was a death or injury, the 12th Temple would not really tear the face.


The innocent eyes of the monarch fell to Zhuge Yin, who was holding a face.

Zhuge Yin was ugly by the shadow of the ancient shadows. Even the last few words of Gu Xin’s sighs ease the atmosphere, but Zhuge Yin’s face is still not good.

The non-smoke sitting next to him, the heart is not willing to talk nonsense with this guy, but for the sake of planning, but smiles and persuaded.

"I am just drinking a small glass with Xin Yan, saying a few words, what does the ancient shadow mean? Talking yin and yang, but also killing me?" Zhuge Yin wants to be more flamboyant, he is the temple of Zhulong Temple. The only son of the Lord, from small to large, is the baby who is sung by the crowd in the palm of his hand. Why have anyone ever given him such a temper?

Non-smoke gave Zhuge Yin a glass of wine, and it was so good and good: "There is no need for the Lord to be angry. The other party is a **** temple. The **** temple has always been self-proclaimed and can be compared with the Fire Hall. Naturally I can't see other temples, and that person is the young master of the **** temple. Naturally, I am proud of my heart and speak without fear. The Lord will kill the fire first."

Non-smoke seems to be persuading Zhuge Yin, but if he thinks about what he said, he will feel that he is clearly pouring oil on the fire.

Constantly mentioning the arrogance of the **** temple in Zhuge Yin's ear, is this not to make the young and vigorous Zhuge Yin even more convinced?

"Just him? It is also the young master of the **** temple? It was joking! The ancients did not put him in the eye, don't think that surnamed Gu could be the next lord of the **** temple, the ghost knows that the hybrid is Where did you come from. The ancient intentions never intended to develop this goods into the next lord of the **** temple. He really took himself seriously." Zhuge Yin not only felt that he was mad, but also felt that he was in Guxin. In the face of sputum and non-smoke, the face was swept away by the shadows, and I was a little unhappy.

The speaker is unintentional, the listener is interested, the hand of the non-smoke drink is slightly, but the face is not revealing a half point, still smiling.

Zhuge Yin drank a glass of wine and pressed the heart of the fire.

"Smoke, I tell you, don't look at the shadow of the guy who is a dog, but he is nothing in the **** temple. You go to the temple late, many things you don't know, these twelve temples There is more to do with the dirt and dirt. The **** temple is chosen, and it is also the choice of Gu Xinyi to be the next master. It is not the guy."

"But... isn't he the son of the Lord of the Bloody Temple? Isn't this the position of the Lord's lord a priority?"

Zhuge Yin smiled coldly: "Yes, it is a priority to pass the son, but this son, also has to be a biological son is not!"

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