Among the crowd, I saw a teenager and a girl standing together. They were watching the fight on the ring. The girl asked from time to time what was in the ears of the teenager. The boy responded with patience. Bayi? Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≠8≤1≠Z≠W≤. ≈C≈O≈M

The appearance of the boy is extremely outstanding. Even Zhuge Yin has to admit that the other person's appearance is good, but...

Zhuge Yin’s eyes were slightly picked up. He couldn’t misunderstand what the costumes worn by the two were. It’s the disciple of the Shadowmoon Hall. The Shadowmoon Hall is still in front of the Zhulong Temple, and he’s already standing. Gu Xinyi’s side, but why, Gu Xin’s eyes are not willing to stay on him? Do you have to go to the teenager of the Shadowmoon Hall?

One is unwilling to soar in the heart of Zhuge Yin, he forced the inner discomfort, and smiled and looked at Gu Xin: "Xin Xin sister thinks this is somewhat boring than the test?"

Gu Xinyi gave a slight glimpse and nodded.

She did not pay attention to the competition on the stage.

Zhuge Yin’s eyes flashed a sinister cold light. He yelled at Gu Xin: “Xin Xin’s sister and so on, I am making this boring fun here.”

Gu Xinyi did not understand what Zhuge Yin’s consciousness was, and Zhuge Yin had already stepped away.

When the non-smoke from Zhuge Yin ran to hook up with Gu Xinyi, he consciously hid in the dark and did not obey the eye, but in the dark he kept paying attention to the action of Zhuge Yin, naturally it was a glimpse of the gloom that Zhuge Yin’s eyes flashed. Seeing Zhuge Yin walked quickly to the crowd, the non-smoke immediately followed up, and there was some uneasiness in my heart.

Zizheng Zhengyiyi said something about the platform, although Yueyi was a bit gloomy, but he said it, but he said it one by one, and his voice was low, there was no bit of impatience, and he really felt good and happy. It also gradually hangs a smile.

However, when the deputy was going to ask some more questions, a voice was loudly behind them.

"You are the people of Shadowmoon Hall?"

The voice was quite high, and the teenagers around him attracted their attention.

Ziyi and Yueyi turned their heads and saw Zhuge Yin’s big thorns standing in front of them. The folding fan in his hand swayed carelessly, and the slightly squatting squat with a trace of pride.

The child suddenly felt a little nervous, and both hands subconsciously grasped the arm of Yueyi. Yueyi frowned and looked at Zhuge Yin. From Zhuge Yin’s costumes and looks, he had already recognized Zhuge Yin’s identity.

"I am waiting for the disciple of the Shadowmoon Hall. I don't know what the Zhuge Gongzi is doing?" Yue Yi's unspeakable opening, Zhuge Yin's reputation is not so good in the 12th Temple, arrogant and proud, and he does not care about the consequences, is The most difficult role of the younger generation of Zhulong Temple.

Zhuge Yin glanced at the pale face, and sneered in his heart. He raised his eyebrows: "Nothing, but it seems that you are very interested in this battle, how? Don't you want to go and try it yourself?"

Zhuge Yin’s mouth is full of hostility, and this hostility makes Yue Yi somewhat puzzled.

The Shadowmoon Hall and the Zhulong Temple did not make the river water, and they did not have any contact with Zhuge Yin. They did not have any contact. How could this Zhuge Yin suddenly run out to find them?

"No need, the strength is not enough, it is difficult to be elegant, it will not come out to offer ugly." Yue Yi cautious opening, secretly guarding the child behind him.

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