Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1697: Unfriendly 5

After seeing the strength of Zhuge Yin, Yue Yi was not surprised at all. He had only one kind of thing. He tried to explore the strength of Zhuge Yin before, but he could not see clearly. This may only exist in Zhuge. Yin’s strength is above him. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

Zhuge Yin went to the downfall so naturally, and after Yue Yi revealed his strength, this self-confidence has revealed enough information.

"You and I have almost the same strength. I want to come to this competition and it must be quite good." Zhuge Yin smiled and spoke.

This is a complete joke!

The early purple spirit and the purple spirit level, although seemingly similar, but in fact, the gap between the two is comparable to the gap between the purple spirit and the blue spirit, Zhuge Yin actually said that he is equivalent to Yueyi strength This is a big joke!

After seeing the strength of Zhuge Yin, the son who had just let go was mentioned in an instant!

With the strength of Yueyi, it is simply not enough to deal with Zhuge Yin. This Zhuge Yin has been provocative in the past, and he has said so many words, in order to force the moon to fall on the stage, and still be justified, in the face of everyone, to the moon !

"More advice." Yue Yi sighed slightly, but it was already set up to play against.

Zhuge Yin's mouth smiled with a hint of haze, his figure turned into a streamer, and quickly rushed toward Yueyi!

The higher the strength, the faster the degree, the strength of the teenagers under the stage, can not keep up with the degree of purple spirit, they can only see the moment of Zhuge Yin's figure turned into a purple light, Yue Yi also has Action, in the ring in front of them, can't see what happened, they can only see two purple lights in constant collision!

The shock wave brought by the battle between the purple spirits is like a rolling wave, and it is thrown around the ring.

A group of teenagers couldn’t help but scream in this fierce battle!

Here is what they are looking forward to, the power of the purple spirit!

The teenagers who can't see the traces of the battle are screaming.

But among the crowd, there are a few people who have completely seen this in their eyes.

After standing in the crowd, Rong looked at the platform. With her strength, it is not difficult to see the degree of Zhuge Yin and Yue Yi, but the more she sees it, the more she is worried!

On the platform, Zhuge Yin is like a prey to the prey, not only the moon and the whole body attacked, the purple light of the road flew out from the hands of Zhuge Yin, one has a body on the moon, which contains the spiritual power The impact, seemingly understatement, but no matter where you hit, the pain of heartbreaking is enough to make people faint!

"It's a good poisonous mind." Rong Ruo blinked and his eyes were filled with anger.

Zhu Geyin's attack is not strange to her. It is a force that is forced into a force. It doesn't look strong, but the most terrible thing about this spiritual power is that it is hit by even the clothes and the flesh. It won't break through the slightest, but its true power has already been conveyed to the flesh and bones at the moment of contact.

It won't break the skin, but it will be enough to make the bones under the fleshy meat discount, enough to shatter the internal organs, and it can kill people without any damage!

Yueyi's constant defense, although he tried to avoid some attacks, but the strength that fell on him has become more and more!

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