Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1707: Killing heart 3

From being unprepared, it has become the sharpest enemy!

Killing Zhuge Yin, he did not expect that his own personal grievances would bring such a big trouble to Zhulong Temple. The smile on his face has long ceased to exist. Instead, it is an anxiety and uneasiness. ?八一中文??网?W≤WW. 81ZW. COM

It is a pity that Jun did not give him more room to think.

"Zhuge Shaozhu, you want to kill or want to let go, they are with you, I will wait for it." Jun no evil and calm opening, it looks as if you have seen all the disappointment, so helpless.

Her words have aroused many people's worries, and those who look at Zhuge Yin are getting sharper and sharper.

For a time, Zhuge Yin was actually pushed down by an extremely embarrassing realm.

The eyes of everyone made him a little confused, and his mind was already blank.

Just at this time, the actual non-smoke was rushed to the ring, and it was in front of Zhuge Yin and Yue Yi, and smiled and looked at everyone.

"Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding. When it comes to comparison, it is inevitable that there will be a miss, my family is not a friend who is deliberately harassing the Shadow Hall. This little brother, why do you have to say so tragic? The Lord is with you. Kidding."

Non-smoke, turned and looked at Zhuge Yin.

Zhuge Yin was slightly stunned, but his mind was squeaking. He didn't care about it, but what he really cares about is the crisis that his own practice brought to Zhulong Temple.

You know, here are the disciples who have the temples of the 12th Temple. Something will be spread in the ears of every temple owner in the 12th house in the future, and he will be opposite to the Qiao Chu of the Inflammatory Temple. In this way, I am afraid that the Temple of Fire is really thinking that their Dragon Temple is about to catch up.

Unconsciously, planting these evil consequences for the Zhulong Temple, even Zhuge Yin can not afford it!

After being beaten by non-smoke, Zhuge Yin’s brain was awkward, and when he saw that he was not smoking, he was so blind to him that Zhuge Yin couldn’t think too much, and he said stiffly: “It’s all misunderstandings, I’m just a person who is in the same hall.” Just a joke, not a smoke, you will help the moon son."

Non-smoke immediately received Yueyi, who was already in a semi-conscious state, and shouted two disciples of Zhulong Temple to put Yueyi on the stage.

The bright red blood, along the movement of Yue Yi, made a dazzling red mark on the ground.

"Little brother, your brother, I gave it to you, take it back. Don't worry about today's misunderstanding. My family is just like a joke." Non-smoke came to the innocent, Pretending to be a passionate opening.

Zixiao rushed to the front step to take over Yueyi, and touched Yueyi's hands quickly stained with blood, her eyes immediately reddened.

"Well, this matter is all right." Non-smoke and laughter sloppy eyes, secretly gave a look of no evil.

Jun no evil slightly blinked his eyes.

Zhuge Yin also walked down after Yue Yi was lifted down, but even though he did not squint, he could still feel how sharp his eyes were from all directions.

Zhuge Yin worked hard to let himself ignore the stinging eyes, speeding up the subconscious, almost escaping from the wasteland, leaving the sight of everyone.

Non-smoke people also took the people of the Dragon Hall to follow up.

However, their departure did not bring a slight relief to the atmosphere here.

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