It seems that no one has taken the words of the elders of the Jinghong Hall in their hearts. The teenagers looked at the eyes of the elders of the Jinghong Hall and made the elders feel unconscious. ??八?一中文网?W≤W≠W≈. ≥8≥1ZW. COM

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the elders’ practice in the Jinghong Hall. The Jinghong Hall has no intention of offending any of the temples. Even if the things of today are from the wrong place, Zhuge Yin’s is wrong, but the Shadowmoon Hall and the shock Hongdian does not have any special relationship. The attitude of Jinghong Hall is also the past.

If it is changed to normal, this is not wrong.

However, the problem is that Fang Caijun has provoked dissatisfaction with Zhuge Yin. At the moment, those teenagers are very resistant to Zhuge Yin’s excessive means, and the elders of Jinghong Hall are coming out and muddy, in the eyes of others. It changed the taste.

It is like a fear of the power of the Dragon Temple, and deliberately biased towards Zhuge Yin.

A group of teenagers were scared by Zhuge Yin’s means. Now they are “present”. The Jinghong Hall is also biased towards the Zhulong Temple. This reminds them of the ignorance of the Zhulong Temple and the inaction of the Jinghong Hall.

When I think that I will continue to stay in the Jinghong Hall in the future, those teenagers are naturally dissatisfied with this inaction of Jinghong Hall.

This simply could not guarantee their safety. They were not able to protect themselves in the Jinghong Hall. Even with their resistance to Zhuge Yin, they also spread to the Jinghong Hall.

The teenagers with complicated moods did not give too many good faces to the elders of Jinghong Hall. They went away one by one, and the eyes before leaving left the face of the elders of Jinghong Hall to be somewhat stiff.

He is not a fool. He will not see the dissatisfaction of these teenagers. However, this dissatisfaction is inexplicable, and the elders of Jinghong Hall are confused and feel aggrieved.

It’s easy to arrange some things for this group of bear children. As a result, they have their own troubles, and they still have to blame them for their stunned temples.

In the end, a downfall broke out. The Jinghong Hall was not a human being. It did not let the Zhulong Temple see their neutrality. Instead, the disciples of other temples mistakenly thought that they had succumbed to the forces of the Dragon Hall.

Zhuge Yin returned to the room with distraction, and his heart was in chaos.

In the ring, he clearly saw the teenagers of other temples looking at his eyes. The kind of repelling eyes that guarded him gave him a very bad premonition. He didn’t think that he’s proud of his own moment. He was dissatisfied with the other temples and was dissatisfied with the Zhulong Temple.

Tormenting Yueyi was nothing but his personal matter. As a result, he was raised to the arrogance of Zhulong Temple by the innocent words of Jun, and Zhuge Yin’s rebuttal could not be said. Only in the ringade, Zhuge Yin did not react. However, on the way back, he groped over the words that Jun had said before, and this time he returned.

The kid's pretending to be humble and helpless, but more reveals his arrogance and unbridled, Zhuge Yin thought that it is the nature of the innocent, weak, but now I think it is a bit embarrassing.

"Ma's! It was put up by the stinky boy!" Zhuge Yin sat angrily in the chair, annoyed fists squatted on the table, and instantly made the hard mahogany table covered with broken spider webs.

If the words and the gestures are not innocent, how can other people in the temple involve the matter to the Dragon Temple?

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