Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1724: Road encounter evil dog 2 seeking monthly ticket

An ominous premonition rose in the heart of Zixiao, and she was horrified at Zhuge Yin.

Zhuge Yin Yinsen smiled, and one hand touched the waist of the child.

"The body of the skunk head still has a few points, but unfortunately this face grows too bad." Zhuge Yin seems to be suffering from the nerves of the child, one hand moves down the waist of the child's waist.

Like a poisonous snake crawling on one's own body, the child feels disgusted underneath. She struggles to break free, but she can't resist the strength of those teenagers and can only be controlled by people.

"You are not going to be a rescuer? Are you going to move? I want to see what the stinky boy will say when he comes. Isn't it just like yesterday, will you hand it over to me? Haha?" Zhuge Yin vicious Opening.

Zizi was anxious and annoyed, and he could not wait to bite Zhuge Yin.

"Zhu Ge Yin, you really have no fear." A voice rang in the back of Zhuge Yin.

Zhuge Yin immediately turned around and looked at it. The ancient shadow of a white man did not know when he came to the garden. The ancient shadow was leaning against a willow tree, and his hands were ringing his chest. He looked at the preparation for violence. Zhuge Yin.

Zhuge Yin was shocked. He certainly had the intention of making a **** temple, but he only had the same fire with the ancient shadows. The two men quarreled on the first day of the Jinghong Hall, but now they don’t see each other. Very pleasing to the eye.

Even though Zhuge Yin did not want to pay attention to the ancient shadow, but he thought about Gu Xinyi, if the ancient shadow told the scene of today, telling Gu Xin, then he is not...

"Let's go." Zhuge Yin did not want to have more troubles, and immediately said to the disciples of the Zhulong Temple.

The disciples immediately let go of their hands, and the sons had already taken off their strength. They lost their support and fell directly to the ground. She was red-eyed and looked at Zhuge Yin and the disciples of the Zhulong Temple, who quickly left, but they wrote Full of hate.

"Can you stand up?" A gentle voice rang from the top of the child's head.

Zizi looked up and saw the old shadow looking at her with a smile. In the sun, the handsome boy turned against the sun, and the golden eyes formed a beautiful glow behind him.

For a time, Zizi was a bit mad.

"I..." The child's stuttering opening.

The ancient shadow has already reached out to her.

The child blushes and the hand holding the shadow is standing up.

"Thank you."

This young boy remembers that he was the ancient shadow of the Bloody Temple. At the banquet that day, he had a dispute with Zhuge Yin, and today he saved his life.

The ancient shadow laughed and pulled the son up. "Zhuge Yin is not a good thing. He is not satisfied with your Shadowmoon Hall. These **** still don't act alone." Look around and say: "Another person in your temple? Why don't you see her with you?"

Zixiao knows that the ancient shadows are said to be innocent, and the laughter is somewhat reluctant.

The shadow of the ancient shadow flashed a golden light, but the face was still a splendid and pure smile.

"Where can you hurt? Need me to send you back?"

Zi Yan’s face was redder, and she shook her head.

"No, I am fine."

The appearance of the ancient shadow is quite handsome, even more beautiful than any young boy I have ever seen. I am so smiling by such a bright boy, and a heart of the child can’t help but jump.

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