Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1726: Distrust 2

The innocent words made Zizi a slight shock, and she looked at the innocent eyes. Eight? One Chinese network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

What is she worried about? Even she herself couldn’t tell, but in fact, when she said this, she had already regretted her, but when she said that she had gone out, the water she had poured out could not be recovered.


"Take it over." Jun Wuxie looked to the side of the night.

The night alone went straight to the front of the innocent, and Jun no evil reached out and picked up the spoon and dug a spoon and sent it to the entrance to swallow it.

She knows what the child is questioning.

“Can you?” Jun no evil raised his eyebrows and looked at his son.

Zi Yan’s face suddenly rose red, and his heart was filled with endless shyness.

Yue Yi, who was lying in bed, witnessed all this. His eyes were filled with disapproval. He didn't understand what kind of things were born, and he would let Zizi's distrust of Jun.

The question of Zizi’s talent, the civilization was suspected of being in the bowl of porridge.

"I... I am not..." The son is a little anxious and somewhat guilty.

"Take it to Yueyi." Jun no evil no longer looked at her, but extended the spoon and handed it to the night.

However, the night of the lonely has not had time to reach out to pick up, a big hand has already taken the spoon in the hands of the innocent hand.

The sizzling sound was crisp, and the white porcelain spoon was pinched into a powder in the big hand, and the fine white particles were scattered on the floor.

"Sorry, I didn't control the power for a while, then I got one." A smashed spoon of the sinister smiles and looks at the innocent, but the words are like talking to the night, but this discourse There is no half apology.

Jun has no evil, and he has no medicine, and suddenly he is speechless.

I looked at Jun innocent night, and looked at Jun without medicine. I was very acquainted with the porridge on the table. I turned around and ran out of the room and took a new spoon.

When I was just out of the door, I saw a uncomfortable night charm standing in front of the door with my eyes open.

"What does that stinky head mean? Is it bad to dislike the cooking of Laozi?" The night charm has already clear everything in the room, and I don't have to know what kind of things are in the room.

I want to be a member of the night club. When I was on the battlefield, I didn’t know where to play the mud. If you change it before, who would dare to question his approach? Do not want to say that he made the dishes, even if he grabbed a handful of mud, there are also a group of people rushing to go.

This little girl film even dare to dislike?

Looking at the night's enchanting indignation, the night is so speechless. To be honest, when he saw the night charm hiding in the kitchen and waving the spatula, he was really dumbfounded. He really didn't know his own hands. Have such a "sage" skills.

"Calm down, don't look at the boss, you have to personally feed the kid in the bed?" The reaction of the nightingale was much calmer. He looked at his mouth with his hands and his chest.

Under the sun, there are really few people who can enjoy the service of the night boss.

The face of the night is even more ugly. He glanced at the night and said: "Wait until you all give your eyes to you! Don't look at it!"

The nightingale shrugged and said that it was well-behaved, and the night charm could only close his mouth.

To put it bluntly, it is a night of solitude and a sad reminder. With such a contrast, he does not seem to be so unacceptable.

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