Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1728: Distrust 4

I want to talk to the Lord, and I can’t even face the sisters in the temple. In August 1st, the text network W ≤ W ≠ W ≥. ≈81ZW. COM, even when others don't know about it, she has actively promised to do all this. How can she retire?

Zi Yan’s hands glared at his skirt and silently shed tears.

There was no mercy in the eyes of the innocent, and she said after a moment: "This is the first time, there is no second time."

Zizi nodded, and he understood that it was a promise.

"Go back." Jun is innocent.

The child trembled and stood up from the ground and quietly withdrew from the room.

"The son yells at her..." Yue Yi, who is lying in bed, stops talking. He doesn't understand why Zixiao doesn't trust Jun. Nothing is clear. He knows that Zizi and Jun are not earlier than him. Even he is Seeing clearly, why she can't understand.

"You don't have to worry about it, just raise your wounds." Jun looked at Yueyi Road.

Yue Yi did not say anything more. After all, his cooperative relationship is only related to Jun. The relationship between his son and his innocence is even more distant. Since he is a person who is innocent, he naturally does not want to talk about anything.

Jun Wuji stood up and pulled up the monk sitting on the side without medicine. He left the room of Yueyi, and after leaving the room of Yueyi, Jun No Evil directly brought the drug to his room and closed the room. door.

"Do you want to kill her?" Jun no evil looked up at the scorpion that had no medicine, and only when the child questioned her, she obviously felt the strong killing of the body without medicine. He was then Although the crumb is a spoon, but the innocence is clear, he wants to crush the son.

Jun has no medicine to reach out and put the innocent in his arms, whispering: "Yes."

How can such a stupid woman be qualified to live in the sight of the innocent?

"I want to kill, but you don't want me to kill, Xiaoxie, you obviously eviction and swearing, isn't it worried that I will take a step in the morning and kill the idiot?" Innocent silk, purple light flashed through the black scorpion.

He is accustomed to being accustomed to killing people who are not pleasing to the eye, but he is extremely patient with nothing about the innocence of the king. If today’s son has nothing to do with the innocent, he is already in the mouth of the child. Then wiped her neck.

Jun no evil took a deep breath, the reason why she would be so harsh and screaming, is to show her attitude to the king.

"She is a disciple of the Lingyao Temple. My cooperation with the Lord of the Lingyao Temple still exists. My son is coming with me. If I still kill you by you, I cannot explain it to Lingyao."

"That would kill it, so you don't have to explain it." Jun did not sneer at the mouth, and the Lingyao Palace, in his eyes, was nothing but a grasshopper that could be crushed at will.

Jun no evil shook his head.

"The enemy can kill, allies can't."

Jun has no evil and has no attachment to the innocence. She cooperates with anyone. Before the other party does not do anything wrong, she will not unilaterally tear up the agreement. This is honesty.

If today she can kill her allies, how can she find other allies in the future?

"According to you, all according to you, but..." Jun suddenly turned a sudden turn.

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