Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1732: Have a greasy 2 monthly ticket

Zhuge Yin touched his chin, and his keen sense made him deeply feel that there was a trick in this matter. ??八?一中文?W(eight)W?W?. (1) 8?1?Z?W. COM

Non-smoke is a dark frown in the audience. The son is a person who is worn by the innocent. Before listening to Qiao Chu, it seems that it was the Lingyao Temple. He saw it, he was not very old, and his eyes were full. Tension and ignorance, at first glance, it is not the deepest look of the world.

Who is ancient shadow?

That is the hard bones that must be cautious when dealing with the innocent.

How did these two people get together?

If the ancient shadows look at the children, non-smoke is not to believe in killing, but the child is so unintentional stupid girl, where can play the ancient shadow.

For a time, non-smoke is a little anxious. I don’t know if this matter is invisible. If it is not noticed, it will be too dangerous!

The non-smoking heart is anxious, but there is no half-point on the surface, but the mind has already begun to think about how to pass this message to the hands of the innocent, but in the past few days, Zhuge Yin’s temper is extremely bad, and ordinary disciples always appear. Inevitably, he was scolded, even with his fists and feet, and only non-smoke accompanied him was still tolerable.

Today, Zhuge Yin is so dead, wanting to sneak away, only have a chance at night.

"You continue to look at it. If there is anything, remember to tell me." Zhuge Yin waved his hand, and the boy immediately retired. Zhuge Yin’s mood improved. He sat directly on the chair next to the non-smoke. .

"Smoke, do you think there is any problem with this?" Zhuge Yin has been habitually asking about non-smokers during this time.

Non-smoke lightly smiled: "These things, I know where."

Zhuge Yin smiled, and the folding fan that had not been used for a long time took out the fan. "What kind of person does the smoker think of the ancient shadow?"

"I don't know, I only know that he always likes to be against the Lord." Non-smoke can bring hatred to the ancient shadow.

Sure enough, Zhuge Yin snorted. "Just rely on him, but also against me? He is just empty, there is a **** temple, the name of the Lord, the **** temple does not have his points, the next temple of this **** temple must be ancient I am sure."

"Oh?" This is not the first time that non-smoke has been heard by Zhuge Yin.

Zhuge Yin seems to have an understanding of the ancient shadows, but every time he mentions the ancient shadows, it does not explain the white, which makes the non-smoke very curious.

"Smoke you look at it, my words will never be wrong, now I just let him some, and after that... oh... I will ask for this account sooner or later." Zhuge Yin squats Eyes, eyes and eyes flashing hate.

Non-smoke quietly looked and did not respond. When Zhuge Yin did not feel it, he quietly took out the jade card used for contact, and secretly wrote the word "衿" on it.

Whether he can go to the innocent in the evening is still a problem. He should first wake up to Jun. I hope that I can understand it with the innocent intelligence.

On the other side, Jun No Evil is sitting in the room, watching these days and nights, the news collected by them in the Jinghong Hall, the 12th Hall of the Temple sent to the Jinghong Hall, she is already very clear, among them There are some talented teenagers.

At this time, Jun had no abnormality in his waist jade card. She picked up the jade card and looked at it. On the jade card, there was a "衿" word!

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