Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1734: Have a greasy 4

Non-smoke is a little bit dumbfounded. "It's stupid. August 1st? Chinese W? W? W?.? 8? 1 (eight) Z? W (1).? C (eight) O (eight) M?"

"Today, the disciples of Zhulong Temple sent a message to Zhuge Yin. I happened to be there. The disciples who listened to the Zhulong Temple said that Zizi seems to be walking very close to the ancient times. The two often go together. Do you know this thing?" Non-smoke is cautious and looks at the innocent. It is understandable that there is communication between men and women. However, the identity of the two sides is obviously abnormal, and it is not a disciple of the Lingyao Temple. It should be full of hostility to the other people in the 12th house.

Just looking at the identity of the boy, I have already let a non-smoke burst into a cold sweat.

That is the ancient shadow that kills people without blinking!

I still remember what kind of **** hurricane the ancient shadows set off at Fenghua College. When he was at Fenghua College, he only wanted to satisfy his own murderous nature. He often used some extremely weak reasons to kill those innocent disciples. It is like a demon crawling out of hell, but wherever he is, there is no shadow of death.

Such a demon-killing demon, how can it be common with ordinary teenagers? And the object is still a girl with a brain that is not very good, this is obviously not normal.

If it is said that the goal of the ancient shadow is other people, non-smoke may not care at all, and the unconventional things will make things bigger and bigger, so that the resentment of other temples is good. However, Zizi’s identity is special. Although she is bearing the identity of Shadowmoon Hall, she is actually a person of Lingyao Temple, and she is even more innocent to come to Jinghong Hall. If you are not careful, then it is not that she is so simple.

Even the innocent can't get away!

This matter is very important. Non-smoke has to take risks to tell the story to the innocent.

After a moment of silence, Jun Nothing said: "I know."

"What?" A non-smoke glimpse, she knows?

"Do you know that you still let the sons swear like this? I don't think that the child has played the ancient shadow." Non-smoke is a little anxious, the ancient shadow is not an ordinary person, not so agree to deal with.

Looking at the non-smoker so anxious appearance, Jun poured a cup of tea on his innocence and thoughtfulness, slowly said: "What is it?"

"..." Non-smoke is simply going to give the innocent sorrow. What is in the mind of the young lady, he really can't understand.

Seeing my own little friend is so heart-wrenching, Jun is innocent and faint: "I will handle this matter well, and you can rest assured."

"Hello, let me know what you are going to do next." Non-smoke is very persistent about this. He needs to know how to cooperate with the innocent, and one of the provinces has accidentally destroyed the innocent. plan.

Jun Wuxie looked at non-smoke, sighed and waved at him.

Non-smoke immediately attached to the ear, listening to the innocent whisper of the innocent, the fear in his eyes was surprised at the moment, until the innocent will finish all, the strange color on his face did not disappear half.

" you thought about it for a long time?" Non-smoke looks at the innocent face of the innocent.

Jun nodded nodded, although she did not go out, but every move of the Jinghong Hall fell into the eyes of the nightingale, night charm and night alone. Even if she was sitting in the room, she could Everything outside is well known.

For the anomaly of this time, she has already heard the nightmare they mentioned, naturally it is clear.

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