Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1738: This is revenge 3

The movement of the child is very small. No one notices her abnormality. All the attention of Yueyi has been attracted by her own guess. ??八?一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1ZW. COM

"Yes." Jun nodded nodded.

"Jun Gongzi, what do you mean want to use the shadow of the ancient shadow to deal with Zhuge Yin? But...the ancient shadow is the young master of the **** temple, it should be known to be measured, and... Zhulong Temple has always been interested And the **** temple alliance, this ancient shadow can not be unknown, he may be dissatisfied with Zhuge Yin, but if he said that he would hurt Zhuge Yin ... should not be?" Yue Yi brow slightly wrinkled, twelve He still knows some of the subtle relationship between the temples.

Although the status of the ancient shadow in the **** temple is equivalent to Zhuge Yin, but the Zhulong Temple as the second only to the **** temple and the evil demon temple, and obviously has the intention of leaning to the **** temple, in the **** temple and the fire When the temple is in dispute, even if the ancient shadow does not like Zhuge Yin, it should be controlled.

Jun Wuxie put the teacup in the hand on the table, she looked at Yueyi Road: "If your sister is lightened by a disciple, how would you do it?"

If you are innocent, it is like a thunder, and you are in the mind of Yue Yi!

My sister is the most untouchable scale in Yueyi's life. I don't want to say that someone wants to be thin and thin. Even if someone dares to hurt her hair, Yueyi can fight with each other, no matter who is the other person!

If you are innocent, you will wake up Yue Yue for a moment, and there will be a shock in the face of Yue Yi.

"Gu Xin嫣..." Yue Yi slowly spit out the name that once caused contradiction between Zhuge Yin and the ancient shadow.

Jun is innocent: "Yes. Gu Xin is the youngest sister of the ancient movie. From the situation at the banquet, the ancient shadow is very disgusting to Zhuge Yin's approach to Gu Xinying, so... if he let him see it, Zhuge Yin I intend to be rude to Gu Xin, and even have already made some things that people and gods are angry with. You feel that under the wrath of the time, the ancient shadows really have to think rationally. Should he shoot Zhuge Yin?"

Yue Yi’s eyes widened. As a brother, he could naturally imagine what it was like.

If he is replaced by him, he will definitely not think calmly. The only thing he wants to do is to smash the corpse of the person who hurt his sister!

I have to say that it is quite insidious to take away the innocent, and even the moon is unimaginable. These vicious designs are arranged by the innocent.

"But Zhuge Yin is not a fool. Although he always wants to get close to Gu Xin, he...he should also be scrupulous. He dare not really do anything rude." Yue Yi slowly relieved. The slightest disapproval in his own heart has been suppressed. His life is already innocent. No matter what he does, he will not object and will obey.

Jun No Evil did not directly answer the question of Yue Yi, but took a large porcelain bottle from the Qiankun bag and placed it on the table.

"Good doctors, most of them are good at poison. In this world, there is no medicine that can make people temporarily lose their senses. There is a lot of ways to make a man lose his rationality and take away his beloved woman." The tip tapped a few times on the table next to the bottle.

Yue Yi swallowed the swallow, looked at the bottle of medicine, and his eyes were complicated.

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