Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1740: Leak 2 for monthly ticket

When Zizi ran to the front of the ancient movie, she was already panting. She couldn’t come to rest, and immediately knocked on the door of the ancient shadow!

After a while, the ancient shadow opened the door, and when he saw the breath outside the door, when he was red-faced, his eyes flashed a bit of doubt, but soon the gentle smile climbed the handsome face. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

"Zi Zi? How come you?" The old-fashioned smile looked at the child, and thoughtfully let the road open, and asked the child to enter the room.

This is the first time that Zizi took the initiative to look for him and see her appearance. It seems that something is happening.

In these few days, the ancient shadows tried to put out something from the mouth of the child. Although the child had reservations, he revealed some secrets in the unconscious, and this did not even her own.

Zizi walked into the room and waited until the ancient movie closed the door. The child immediately faced the ancient shadow and his eyes were extremely dignified.

"Ancient son, do you believe in me?" Suddenly asked.

The ancient shadow is slightly stunned, but it is more gentle to laugh.

"How can you ask this?"

At this time, Zizi has not appreciated the mood of the ancient shadow and beautiful smile. She is full of anxiety, and she can’t be peaceful for a while.

"You just need to tell me, you can believe me or not."

The ancient shadow smiled and said: "If you don't believe it, how can I talk to someone who doesn't trust these days? How can I let a person who doesn't trust appear in my dream?"

The ancient shadow, sweet as honey, but it does not make people feel tired, but let the child's heart irritated a little bit by the Qingquan, she took a deep breath, looking at the shadow, awesome, She raised her hand and uncovered a ******** from her face.

In the face of the ugly mask being pulled off, a bright and pretty face appeared in front of the shadow.

"The ancient son, I am really sorry, I have been cheating you for a while. I am not a disciple of the Shadowmoon Hall. I am... I am the person of the Lingyao Temple..." The son-in-law has all the courage to be motivated. The truth is revealed in front of the ancient shadows. For his own deception and concealment, the son has been uneasy for a long time. The ancient shadows are so sincere to take her, how can she respond with falsehood?

Her move today is to prove to the ancient film that her sincerity.

There was a smile in the eyes of the ancient shadow, but the face was a shock.

"You..." His words did not finish, and he walked to the door, listening to the movement outside the door, and determined that no one was outside the door, he turned around and looked at the child seriously.

"Today, what did you say and did, I don't know. Before leaving the Jinghong Hall, you are the disciple of the Shadowmoon Hall. Don't expose your identity. Do you understand?" Looking at the child, serious shouting.

The child bite the bite lip, and the reaction of the ancient shadow made her feel warm. He did not give birth to a bit of disgust because he was a disciple of Lingyao Temple. Instead, he cared about her, fearing that she would be exposed to danger.

The practice of ancient shadows made Zizi firmly believe that his choice today is correct.

Jun No Evil wants to ruin the 12th Temple. She does not oppose it, but people can't just bring innocent people into **** just for themselves!

Zi Yan took a deep breath and said with a sigh of relief: "The ancient son, I am here today, I have something to say to you."

"You can say it straight." Ancient times.

The child has a courage, "Someone wants to harm you!"

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