Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1743: Coincidence or trap 2

"Junxie... Do you really have this ability?" The shadows blinked, and the situation now puts him in a dilemma. August 1st? Wenwang?W≈W≤W. 81ZW. COM

In the end, he took a step and looked for the room in Zhuge Yin’s room.

The visitors of each temple are divided into living lofts according to different temples. When the ancient shadows appeared, many disciples of Zhulong Temple appeared in the shadows.

"What does this guy do here?"

"Isn't it going to find something with the lesser?" Several teenagers watched the shadows cautiously.

The ancient shadow and Zhuge Yin are not harmonious. It has long been no secret. Today, the ancient shadows went directly to the residence of their Zhulong Temple, and they walked all the way toward Zhuge Yin’s room, and actually let several Zhulong Temple The teenager is a little curious.

The ancient shadow did not intend to take care of these people, but just walked halfway to the door of Zhuge Yin.

"Jun evil, do you really regard me as a fool?" The ancient shadow looked at Zhuge Yin's door, and the corner of his mouth sneered a sneer.

Even if everything is true, he will only save Gu Xinyi. As for Zhuge Yin... This account will be calculated slowly with Zhuge Yin in the future, and how will he enter the design of the innocent?

The ancient shadow is going to knock on the door, but the door suddenly opened.

A young girl looked at the ancient shadow standing outside the door with amazement.

"The ancient shadow? How are you..."

The ancient shadow did not look at the girl, directly throwing people out of the room, then flashed into the room to close the door.

I thought that there would be an unsightly picture in the room, but it was an empty room in front of the shadow.

In Zhuge Yin’s room, there was no figure, even Zhuge Yin himself, I don’t know where to go.

The uneasiness in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. The ancient shadow always feels that he has neglected something, but he can't remember it for a while.

His eyes swept through the room, and after confirming that there was no one else in the room, he just walked out of the room with a gloomy face.

Outside the room, the teenagers of Zhulong Temple looked at the shadows cautiously, and no one dared to step forward.

The ancient shadow went out from the front of Zhuge Yin under the eyes of these Zhulongdian teenagers, but there was a huge doubt in his heart.

What happened to me?

On the way back, the ancient shadow suddenly appeared in the garden a familiar figure.

Gu Xin did not know when, sitting in the garden lake watching the calm lake.

"How are you here?" The ancient shadow frowned at Gu Xinyi.

Gu Xinyi was shocked by the ancient shadows and hurriedly stood up and looked at him nervously. "me……"

"Zhu Ge Yin called you out?" The ancient shadow did not wait for Gu Xinyi to answer, and then continued to ask.

"Yeah." Gu Xin nodded and always felt that the expression of the ancient shadow was a bit strange.

"What did he say to you?" asked the shadow.

"Nothing... just talk casually." Gu Xinyi knew that the ancient shadow and Zhuge Yin were not right, and did not think that there was anything unusual about the inquiry of the shadow.

However, Gu Xinyi’s response made the shadow of the shadows more gloomy.

It’s just a coincidence...

The ancient shadow secretly laughed at his cup of bow and snake shadow, which is obviously a flawed design. He turned out to be true.

The shadow of the ancient shadow sneered.

In this game, no matter what the idea of ​​playing the innocent, he can only say that the son of this flag, the innocent is wrong!

And then, it would be a good time for him to return a good color.

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