Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1749: 跪5 ask for a monthly pass

"Ah...ah..." Zhuge Yin fell to the ground, and the body had been soaked with blood. The face that had been arrogant was only endless fear and despair. ??? Bayi Chinese? Network W? W? W?. (a) 8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W. COM

Yue Yi didn't know how long it took, and even the tiger's mouth was a little numb. Then he stopped his hand and looked at Zhuge Yin, who fell to the ground. Yue Yi felt that the emotions in his chest that had been imprisoned and suppressed for a long time were quietly breaking free from the cage.

He turned around and dropped the soft whip in his hand. With the support of the black mist, he kneeled directly in front of the innocent.

"Thank you for the grace of the monarch to save your life. From now on, my life will be yours." Yue Yi sincerely lowered his head, and he saved his life and recovered his loss. Years of dignity.

Among the twelve temples, I was afraid that there were not many people who had the courage to avenge Zhuge Yin, but the immortality gave him such an opportunity to let him know that he was not a poor worm that had to be oppressed all day long.

A person's body is easy to save, but the salvation of the soul is very human.

Jun Wuxie did not react much to Yueyi’s loyalty. She slowly stood up and looked at Zhuge Yin, who was **** and fuzzy. She said faintly: "Your life is your own, I don't need it." ""

She saved him not because he wanted to find a faithful servant for himself, but because Yue Yi cares about his sister.

It may not be easy to move to the side of the innocent, but it attaches great importance to family.

A teenager who is willing to bear the burden of ten years for his sister is worthy of her rescue.

Yue Yi’s silence was on the side, and his heart was stirring.

Jun no evil slowly walked to Zhuge Yin's side, lifted Zhuge Yin's **** chin with his toes and lifted his head.

The once beautiful and arrogant face was covered with scars of deep visible bones, and a large piece of blood stained his entire face, and he could not see his original face.

Zhuge Yin shivered and opened his mouth, and the slightly dithered lips revealed his fear at the moment. The eyes that were soaked in the blood were red, and they stared at the innocent, but they didn’t even hate. Half a point is revealed.

Only fear.

"Afraid?" Jun Wuxie suddenly asked softly.

Zhuge Yin nodded hard, and the blood hanging on his face fell under him with his movements, and fell into the blood.

"Then take this kind of fear and go to hell." The sound of the innocent and quiet voice was introduced into the ears of Zhuge Yin, as if the death knell was ringing on the top of his head!

Zhuge Yin didn't even have time to make any reaction. Jun immortal arrived at the tip of Zhuge Yin's chin suddenly!

The slamming sound echoed in the room full of **** smell, and Zhuge Yin’s **** head twisted on the shoulder with a strange gesture.

Death is so quietly coming.

Jun Wuyin looked at Zhu Geyin, who had no breath. He took a white porcelain bottle from the Qiankun bag. She opened the bottle cap and the transparent liquid dripped on Zhuge Yin’s body as she dumped.

The sound of the screaming sounded weakly, and the liquid dripping on the body of Zhuge Yin quietly blended into the blood, and a little bit melted the skin of Zhuge Yin, leaving only a piece of white bone.

"Let's go." Jun Wuxie finally glanced at the corpse that was constantly corroded, and walked coldly toward the window. Jun had no medicine to carry Yueyue out of the room with black fog. There was a black cat left in the room. After they left, they lifted their claws and locked the window from the inside. Then they quietly turned into a mist and floated out of the gap in the window.

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