Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1769: Shadowmoon Hall 3

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It was learned that the team of Heshou had returned, and the elders of the Shadowmoon Hall came to the hall, but when they saw the moon and the innocence standing in the hall, the expression on their faces became Something different.

This time, I went to Jinghong Temple, and there were a few people in the Shadowmoon Hall. But they never thought of returning, but only two people? And a few days earlier than previously estimated.

"Yue Yi, what is this all about?" An old man with a white beard stood at the bottom right of the main lord and frowned slightly at the pale moon.

Yue Yi knees on one knee and hangs his eyes. "There is an accident in the temple of the sacred temple. The accident is unsuccessful, and the banquet is impossible. And the chaos has hurt many disciples. Now, only me and Chang Huan come back safely."

"Amazing temple accidents? What an accident?" The elders in the hall are all surprised.

How can I celebrate my birthday and give birth to an accident?

Not only did the birthday banquet end early, but even the disciples of their Shadowmoon Hall were affected?

The current situation makes people's hearts puzzled.

Yue Yi had to tell everything in the Shadow Moon Hall to everyone who was born in the temple.

And this listening made the expression on the face of everyone in Shadowmoon Hall shocked.

"The **** temple master really killed Zhuge Yin?" The elders of the month frowned slightly. This matter can be regarded as a great storm in the 12th temple. The **** temple and the Zhulong Temple are not small. I have heard about the possibility of cooperation between the two temples, but no one thought that the birthday of a Jinghong Hall would bring such an amazing reversal.

"According to what you said? It is the disciples of the Bloody Temple and the Zhulong Temple, so they spread to other disciples in the temple?" Another old man frowned and looked at Yueyi.

"Yes." Yueyi nodded.

The old man looked at the side of the innocent.

"Changhuan, you are."

Jun No Evil immediately understood that this old man is likely to be the shadow elder in Yue Yikou.

"Yue Yi's brother said that the sentence was true. The situation at that time was very confusing. The Jinghong Hall could not control the situation, so the people in each temple were allowed to go back first." Jun Nothing responded to the question of the shadow elder.

There are still doubts in the shadow elders, but the elders on the side have already opened their mouths. "The **** temple and the Zhulong Temple are in dispute. This is not something we should intervene. Things are now born on the site of the Jinghong Hall. In love, the Jinghong Hall needs to give an account to each of the temples. We sent the disciples of Heshou, and they died in their temples. I saw that Yueyi was doing his best. He was hurt. After several twists and turns, I wonder if His Highness can let him go to cultivate first?"

Sitting in the main hall of the Shadow Moon Temple, he nodded slightly. He looked at Jun Wuxie and Yue Yidao: "Oh, this thing will be handled in the temple. You two will go to rest first."

Jun no evil and Yue Yi nodded, and left the hall.

Yue Yi came to the room belonging to Chang Huan with Jun Wu, and met a lot of disciples of Shadowmoon Hall on the road. The disciples walked together with laughter, but after seeing Yue Yi and Jun Wu, they all face each other. The smile is also a lot weaker, if there is nothing to avoid.

The relationship between Yueyi and "Changhuan" is not too close. Therefore, after the immortality was brought to the room of Changhuan, Yueyi left.

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