Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1777: Fight against the dark 2

"Changhuan, you will do nothing on weekdays. You have no achievements in the Jinghong Hall. When you return, you dare to violate the rules of the temple and hurt the same door. It is simply no one!" The elders of the month are righteous. Resentment of the innocent. In August 1st, the text network?? W?W (a) W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM

Jun no evil raised his eyebrows slightly, watching the high posture of the elders of the month, but his heart was sneer.

The elders of the month really gave her a big hat and went to the Jinghong Temple to celebrate her life. Instead, she said that she had nothing to do. Could it be that he still counted on her ability to get some benefits in the Jinghong Hall and return it?

Moreover, Jun No Evil does not believe that the elders of the month really have a pair of downwind ears, but they have noticed everything in such a short period of time afterwards, and it is not easy to bring people to come to her, which is clearly planned by the elders of the month.

You don’t have to think about it, you know what the elders of the month are playing.

Yueyue is the sister of Yueyi, and the shadow elders and the elders of the month are not in harmony for a long time. Yueyi is the biggest bargaining chip in the hands of the elders. If Yuyue sees his own sweetest sister, the disciple of the elders is light and thin, then according to Yue Yi's temper, I am afraid that it will be done on the spot, and even if Yue Yi will be often killed, the elders of the month can also cover the rules of Chang Huan, and they will be removed from the grace and the moon. A piece of chess in the eye of the nail can be said to be the best of both worlds.

If this is not the case, it is really impossible to think of the innocent, why the elders of the month will come so quickly, and those disciples, knowing that the new moon is the granddaughter of the elders of the month, still dare to make such an agreement with Chang Huan.

Obviously, before Chang Huan went to Jinghong Hall, the elders of the month had already given a set of Chang Huan, waiting for Chang Huan to plant it.

The most unfortunate thing, from the Jinghong Hall, she is innocent, not the idiot often!

The plan of the elders of the month did not follow the original pace. The policy of one stone and two birds appeared to be flawed. Now thinking about removing her first, it is also a acceptable solution.

"Come to people! I will give you Changhuan, you can enter the dungeon." The elders of the month do not give any opportunity to defend the innocent, and immediately take the opportunity to take people, want to be quick and confusing, first to her Removed.

Several disciples of the Shadowmoon Temple immediately went to the innocent, but how could the monarch sit still?

I haven't waited for the few disciples to come close, but the purple aura that has just been scattered in the innocent body has emerged again!

The sturdy spiritual power will instantly force the close disciples to retreat!

"Changhuan! Do you want to rebel?" This time the elders clearly felt the aura of Jun No Evil, but this look made him more determined to remove the innocent mind!

Chang Huan’s original strength is not high, but it is extremely favored by the shadow elders. It is also more maintenance in the Shadow Moon Temple. The elders want to get rid of Chang Huan, but also to combat the morale of the shadow elders, but when they are mediocre After suddenly showing such amazing spiritual power, the monthly elders’ inner killing is even stronger!

In his eyes, how can you not see that the spiritual power of Jun Wuxie is actually more intense than Yue Yi!

Obviously, the strength of the innocent has been more and more, and this is something that the elders of the month cannot tolerate!

"Good boy, I have to see how big you are!" The elders of the month saw the flash of the eye, and a silvery light covered the entire body of the elders!

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