Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1787: Murder 1

A few teenagers were itched by the ignorant ignorance of the ignorant, but they did not dare to make too much fire. After all, they were all very clear about what the strength of today is. Bayi Chinese W=W≠W=. ≤8=1≤Z≥W=. ≤COM

"Changhuan! Have you heard us in the end?" A teenager's impetuous opening.

Jun No Evil is still ignorant.

"Damn." The teenagers saw that they hadn’t taken them seriously, and they said something in their mouths. She didn’t even go into her ears, and the more ugly the face.

"I have to look at it when you get there. When can you harden it?" A teenager blinked and his eyes flashed a bit of viciousness. He raised his hand and took the burning candle on the side and walked to the cell. Tested: "Since you are toasting and not eating, you can only eat fine wine."

Said, the boy suddenly threw the candle in his hand to the cell!

On the ground of the cell, all the dry straw was thrown. When the candle fell on the ground, the flame immediately ignited the nearby hay, and the fiery flame spread through the cell in an extremely fast way. Sweeping in the dark and damp dungeon, the dirty four walls are exceptionally clear!

A few teenagers outside the cell were laughing, watching the flames gradually move toward the innocent eyes, and their hearts were extremely malicious.

The railings of the Shadow Hall Dungeon look like wood, but in the outer logs, there are many black irons embedded in them. Those black irons are extremely hard, so the purple spirit can never rely on their own strength. It is destroyed.

Only by breaking through the silver spirit can you instigate a little.

Jun No Evil is locked in the dungeon, there is nowhere to escape, they just wait for the horror of the screaming in the dungeon.

The innocent calmly sat in the same place, the cold eyes looked at the heat waves that rushed in, but there was no panic in the eyes. She just looked up calmly, her eyes crossed the flames and looked at the teenagers standing outside. .

"You are no longer a disciple of Shadowmoon Hall. Since you are not willing to accept the punishment of Shadowmoon Hall, you can only accept another special punishment. You can rest assured that I have heard people burned by flames. People, even if they are burned, the skin is burnt, the flesh is black, and his consciousness will not disappear so quickly. He will struggle in the burning. Even if the body is decaying, your consciousness will make you feel clearly. Kind of pain. Chang Huan... You will have a good experience, the 'entertainment' of this burning penalty! Hahaha..." The arson teenager laughed unscrupulously, the fire reflected in his eyes, giving him a look in his eyes. There was a vicious flame.

The other three teenagers also looked at it all with a smile. There was no pity and sympathy. It was like that it was not a person who was about to be burned in front of them, but a dog.

The fierce flames rushed toward the innocent, and she was swallowed up in the blink of an eye. The viciousness of the eyes of the youngsters became more apparent.

However, just as the flames rushed to the innocent moment, a purple aura suddenly burst out from the innocent body!

In a flash, the purple aura covered the entire dungeon. Under the purple aura, those hot flames were slammed into the momentum of engulfing. The flames of the flames were squeezed and eventually The light is pressed to the ground and completely extinguished...

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