Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1789: Murder 3

Yue Yi is still able to get the attention of the Shadow Moon Temple, so how can the "Changhuan" with higher strength than Yueyi get it?

It is impossible for the Lord of Shadowmoon Hall to kill such a disciple who has the potential to resist other temples, unless he is unwilling to die. August 1 Chinese W? W (a) W (eight). (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W?. (8) C (eight) O?M


You mean, what guys are lying? Are they deliberately asking you for trouble?

Jun no nodded nodded.

"They should be ordered to come. If the Shadowmoon Hall really wants to punish me, it will also let the disciples who guard the dungeons implement it instead of letting a few teenagers come over. This is not in accordance with the rules." Some ridiculous, how much does the other party ignore her IQ?

Each temple has disciples who perform penalties. If someone makes a mistake, it will be the disciples who will take the shots instead of just looking for a few people.

"Furthermore, those teenagers obviously have some guilty conscience. Although they say that they are arrogant, they are afraid to open the door of the cell. They are afraid that when I go out, I will notice what is happening, and therefore cause harm to them. "Nothing in the side, I touched the soft fur of the black cat, and said."

The black cat immediately understood the subtleties of this.


Who wants to kill you?

"In addition to him... who else?" Jun has no faint opening.

The teenagers ran out of the dungeon and walked out of the dungeon. A figure appeared in front of them.

When the teenagers saw each other, they immediately stood in the same place and did not dare to move. "The elders of the month."

The elders of the month frowned and looked at a few pale-faced teenagers. "What happened?"

Those teenagers, look at me, I look at you, the sad reminder of a face, can only shake his head silently.

"Waste! She is now locked in the dungeon, you can't even give her a look at the color, what do you want!" The elders squinted in anger.

"The elders of the month...not...not that we listened to your instructions, just...just Changhuan, the kid is like a person, and he is too bold to say anything, even the hand is also very powerful, we tell you according to you. She has already been rushed out by Shadowmoon Hall, but she has no reaction at all. Let her come out, she is still motionless, and she does not dare to let her out. She can only find a way to set fire in the dungeon, but ......" A teenager bitterly faces a face, telling the elders of the month about the things that were born in the dungeon.

The more the elders listen to the expression on the face, the more ugly they are.

It is possible to suppress the burning of flames with spiritual power. It can be seen that the control of spiritual power by Jun Wu has reached the point where the fire is pure, and this kind of control and resilience is not formed overnight.

The elders of the month also suspected that "Changhuan" suddenly became so powerful. I thought that the elders used the secrets of their family to help "Changhuan" gain this power, but now it seems that "Changhuan" "The time to have these powers is not short.

"I really didn't see it, the kid turned out to be so embarrassed." The elders secretly gritted their teeth, thinking that the elders in the shadows were in the temple, and the words of the Lord changed the impression of "Changhuan" in a few words, and the heart was more anxious.

Yue Yi is the chip in his hand, which brings him a lot of benefits, but if the shadow elders have more than one innocence, then the situation of Shadowmoon Hall will become another situation.

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