Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1800: Poisoning 1

"Haha! I know that you have no good things for this kid to come to Shadowmoon Hall, but this time, you have to do the same thing as me. You are willing to cooperate with me?" The shadow elder's eyes are full of hate, shadow The Moon Hall deceived him for so long. The death of his son and the disappearance of his daughter-in-law and grandchildren are most likely to be done by Shadowmoon Hall.

"Yes. (8) (1) (中) (文) (网)|(8) WWW.8 (eight) 1 (one) Z (middle) W (text). COM" Jun no evil slightly nodded If you have the help of Shadow Elder, I believe this will be even simpler.

"Did you doubt that your son's affairs are related to the Shadowmoon Hall?" Jun looked at the elders innocently. Before the elders of the shadows, the purpose of wooing Changhuan was to investigate the elders of the month. It can be seen that the elders of the shadows have long Guess.

The elders sneered: "There is speculation. After I entered the Shadowmoon Hall, the more I learned about the Shadowmoon Hall, the more I didn't believe they would be so kind, and ran to me for no reason." The forces of the Twelve Halls and the Nine Palaces are not allowed, but there are many treasures hoarded. In the same year, the evil emperors unified the three realms, and the major forces offered a lot of treasures. With the fall of evil spirits, those treasures were buried together with evil spirits. When the emperor went to bed, they tried their best to find the tomb of the evil emperor and seize the treasures of them. However, they could not do so, and they turned their minds on other ancient families."

In the same year, the three embassies of the evil emperor were the ones that were most affected by the major forces. However, these families who are safe and self-confident are not intimidated by the evil emperors. Therefore, in the middle three circles, the Quartet, the Nine, and the Twelve Temples may hate the evil spirits. However, for the major families and ordinary people, the heart is actually grateful for the emergence of evil emperors.

It is because of the unity of the evil emperors that ordinary people can breathe from the struggles of major forces.

And although the evil domain acts arrogantly, it never hurts innocent people. For the major families and ordinary people, they never do anything to hurt.

Therefore, although the evil emperor has fallen for many years, there are still many legends about the evil emperor in the middle three circles. Those legends are more from the folk, the brave and powerful songs of the evil emperor.

"The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, is your poison?" Jun suddenly asked.

The shadow elders glimpsed a little, and looked at the strange and innocent. "Do you mean that your Highness is poisoned? Is it not physical discomfort?"

The surprise on the shadow elder's face has revealed that he has no knowledge of the matter.

Jun has no evil: "His face is weird. I have some understanding of medical skills, so I can be sure that he will be caused by poisoning, but not with physical problems."

Jun No Evil thought that it was the shadow of the elders in the heart that would be poisoned by the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, but it is obvious that he did not know about it.

"This... I really don't know. My Highness seems to be kind, but it is a sinister sorrow. I don't want to say anything about me. Even the elders of the month don't have much time with him alone, and the clothes, food, and shelter of His Royal Highness are all by his confidant. After asking, the elders have no right to be contaminated. Even if I have the heart, I don’t have such an opportunity.” The elders honestly open their mouths.

During the battle of the Twelve Temples, the murders against the temple lords continued, and the secrets of other temples were hidden among the temples. Therefore, the priests of the temples were very concerned about their own safety, and each lord would cultivate a batch. Death loyalty, and the life of the lord will be taken care of by those people, and others have no room to intervene.

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