Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1802: Poisoning 3

The temper of the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, the elders of the month are clear, but the Shadow Moon Temple needs powerful disciples, but there is a premise in how powerful disciples need!

That is the command of the Lord's Lord.

Jun No Evil left the dungeon without permission. This is tantamount to playing the face of the Lord of the Moon Temple. Before the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace, it was only in the strength of the innocent, she was relieved of many of her punishments. Jun Wuxie actually fled directly from the dungeon, how can these things make the Shadow Moon Temple Lord how to endure?

It’s just a matter of course. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

"His Royal Highness, Chang Huan’s character is arrogant and disobedient, even though she is so powerful, she can be such an unmanageable person. If she stays in the temple, she is afraid..." The elders of the month looked like a word.

The unfinished words constantly provoked the nerves of the Shadow Moon Hall, and he was suspicious, especially after the physical discomfort, the disobedience of the Shadowmoon Temple disciples was challenging his authority, as if Tell him that he is almost dying, and he doesn't have to care too much about him.

"Where is Changhuan now?" The main face of the Shadowmoon Hall was completely darkened, even though the body was weak, but the resentment of the teeth was so obvious.

"I don't know my subordinates." The elders of the month endured the sneak peek in their hearts, and made a serious opening.

I thought that Jun escaped from the dungeon and made his plan once again fail, but now it seems that this escape is directly in contact with the lord, even if the elders of the month do not shoot themselves, I am afraid that the temple of Shadowmoon The Lord can't accommodate a disciple who is so disobedient and keeps staying in the Shadowmoon Hall.

"Come on! Cough..." Under the anger and anger, the body of the Shadow Moon Temple was a little better and the body became bad again. The coughing sound of his mouth made his mouth impossible to say.

"Give me... cough... go... cough... put Changhuan... cough... find... come out..." The main hall of the Shadowmoon Hall was panting, and an angry punch was on the edge of the bed.

"His Royal Highness! It is important to take care of yourself!" The elders were busy.

The elders on the side also showed great concern, but there were a few elders with some nervousness.

Most of them are people who have made good friends with the shadow elders. Naturally, they know the sharpness of "Changhuan". It is a good thing for the shadow elders. However, this good thing has not been able to wait until it is settled, so it is so big. The chaos came, and the face of the Lord of the Shadows Temple was getting more and more ugly. The hearts of these elders mentioned the eyes of the elders.

If it is because at this time the "Changhuan" is obliterated, I am afraid that even the shadow elders will be implicated by them, when they will be these people...

With this in mind, these elders couldn't help but succumb to the innocence of thousands of times.

The main lord has already opened the net and let her stay in the dungeon and think about it. How can she escape from prison at this festival?

This is not on the hurry to find death!

Several elders were anxious to get angry, but no one dared to go to persuade in the main hall of the Shadowmoon Hall. They could only be anxious.

"Come to, in the name of His Royal Highness, immediately go to catch Changhuan, even if you dig three feet, you must find out the unruly kid!" and the elders are different, the elders are almost When the voice of the Shadow Moon Temple was grounded, it was immediately taken over, and the voice of the Shadow Moon Hall was repeated in a loud voice.

Kid, can you escape this time? !

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