Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1808: Turning around Qiankun 6

The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple personally opened the mouth to praise the innocent, and all the elders in the temple heard it clearly. Everyone knows that the innocent future must be the most concerned teenager in the Shadowmoon Hall. Many people have their hearts. I secretly envied the good fortune of the shadow elders. I thought that the shadow elders took care of a waste before, so they looked away. Now it seems that the shadow elder is the most intelligent person, and at a glance, he sees the potential of the innocent, and also Responsiveness slowly taught, until recently it was first revealed, this show up, and instantly press the limelight of all the young disciples in the Shadowmoon Hall!

"Well, everyone worked hard yesterday, and they all went back to rest. Bayi Chinese Network? W (eight) WW.81ZW.COM" Shadow Moon Temple Lord smiled and opened.

The people retired one by one.

The innocent and shadow elders walked out of the dormitory, and the elders with a black face outside the hall happened to meet.

"Oh." The elders of the month twitched and watched the elders around the elders innocent, and the heart was about to vomit blood.

How hard is this kid's life!

The poison is also down, but she is safe and sound.

The assassin was sent, but she was subtly escaped.

This time it was obvious that she could die to her, and she was turned over by her, and she got such a big bargain.

Since the elders came to the Shadowmoon Hall, they have never encountered such things that he was vomiting. No one has made him feel more difficult than Jun.

Even worse, the innocent is not only the shadow elders escorted, but even the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace has already looked at her differently. Now it is even more difficult to remove the innocent.

"Moon elders are physically unwell? Do you need disciples to refine your medicine for you?" Jun no evil raised his eyebrows and looked at the angry elders of the month, using the words of mad and unpaid.

The elders of the month rushed to the eyes of the blind man, and he gritted his teeth and looked at the innocent.

"Changhuan, since you are so attached to your highness, you have to cultivate well in the future, you have to live up to the weight of your Highness." I can’t wait to have this kid in the heart, but the elders of the month can only say this in different ways. General words.

"Thank you for reminding the elders of the month that the disciples will not disappoint their great love." Jun is not evil, not afraid.

The elders of the moon smiled and looked at the innocence without a smile. Before they were killed by the innocent, the sleeves left.

Looking at the back of the elders of the month, the shadow of the elder's mouth was a little sneer.

"I am afraid that he has never thought of this life, he will be forced to this point by a young disciple."

The position of the elders in the Shadow Moon Hall can be shaken. As long as he is the one he wants to deal with, no one can escape. Even the elders of the shadows have once followed the path of the elders of the month and were deceived into the Temple of Shadowmoon. If the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace is still spying on the treasures that have not yet appeared in the war family, I am afraid that the elders of the month have already started to deal with him.

But nowadays, the elders of the old tyrants are planted in the hands of the innocent, and it really makes the elders feel very happy.

"I like him like this, I want to kill me, but I can't do anything like it." The corner of the innocent mouth rose slightly.

This is only the beginning, and there are more good games in the future. I hope that the body of the elders will be able to stand up and not be mad.

"You kid, it's really arrogant." The shadow elder looked at the innocent and full of confidence, and suddenly laughed. "But I like you so much."

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