Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1811: Provocation 2

Dianzhu shadow on the house because of the king's illness innocent of snow and relieve Dan things, and soon in uproar Shadowmoon hall pass, the king had to see innocent dislike, a group of teenagers who want to cause trouble, suddenly corpuscles No one dares innocent head-on collision at this time and the king. ??八一? Chinese W (eight) W? W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM

Who does not know, now the innocent is the big red man in front of the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple. At this time, it is against the innocent, and you don’t have to think about it.

Even with that, those teenagers who have had conflicts with "Changhuan" now nod their heads and feel nostalgic, and can’t wait to hug this thigh.

For a few days, the innocent people have been very calm, and everything is like being settled down.

The main body of the Shadow Moon Temple was improved, and gradually began to deal with the affairs of the temple. The power of the shadow elders and the elders of the month also weakened in some aspects.

There is no such thing as a no-brainer on weekdays. However, according to the reminder of the shadow elders, I am familiar with the things of the Shadowmoon Hall and have no excessive contact with the disciples in the temple.

On this day, Jun was sitting alone in the small courtyard, watching the flowers and plants in the courtyard, and drinking tea slowly.

"Changhuan...senior brother." Suddenly, a voice of a singer came from outside the hospital.

Jun no evil raised his head and saw a familiar figure standing nervously at the door.

"Is there something?" Jun no evil put down the cup in his hand and looked at the moonlight that suddenly appeared outside her hospital.

She has only one side to the New Moon, but she is deeply impressed.

Looking at the face that is very similar to Yue Yi, I don’t know what I am thinking about in my heart.

"I... can I come in?" The moon licked the lips and looked at the innocent.

Jun no evil nodded slightly.

The New Moon came in. She wore a pink blue tuxedo with only a simple pimple on her head. Some of her tender little faces were full of tension, and she was sitting on the innocent On the stone bench around, a pair of tweaked hands cluttered their clothes, and looked down at the innocent eyes.

"Changhuai went to Jinghong Hall with my brother before, what happened to my brother, why didn't you get better after so long?" After a long silence, Yuelu finally got the courage. Looking up at the innocent, the eyes are full of worry about Yue Yi.

Yue Yi’s injury has actually been good for a long time, but Jun has given him some medicinal herbs, which makes him look weak.

Jun Wuxie poured a cup of tea on the moon: "I don't know, when I was in the temple, I was not always with your brother."

"Yes... is this the case..." The words of the moon shackled by the innocent cold thorns were even smaller.

"If you are worried, why not ask him directly?" Jun looked at the moon.

The moon was slightly stunned, and the hand holding the cup slammed, and the tea in his hand suddenly splashed into the scent of the innocent, and the sinlessness flashed, but the water did not fall on her half.

The immortality was extremely fast, and the moon was not reacted at all. Her trembling hand was holding the teacup, and the eyes were full of surprises.

"I ...... I did not mean it ...... ...... ...... sorry ...... I just simply do not want to let my brother know, even if I ask a ...... he did not join me to tell the truth ......" Moon Ye bowed his head, voice There is despair and tension.

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