Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1825: Blatant framed 1


The New Moon is being squandered by the innocent. Eight? One? Chinese W (one) W? W?. (8) 8?1 (eight) Z (eight) W?. COM

It’s confusing to confess all of his own things, and the result is the most useless news in exchange for the innocent mouth.

Even if the king does not say anything, the moon also guesses that the purpose of the innocent is to be an enemy of the Shadowmoon Hall.

It’s hard to be stupid enough to be self-satisfied, and the whole process was guided by Jun Mou to tell the words that should not be said.

have to say……

The same two precocious girls, the innocent or steady pressure on the moon.

Of course, the New Moon is also the only one. After being killed by the innocent, he was convinced that he was not killed by the innocent, and became a person who was a sinless ally.

In a sense, the New Moon is also lucky.

After the innocent from the small courtyard of the New Moon, he returned to his room.

In the past two days, the elders of the month frequently entered the small courtyard of the New Moon. At the same time, many things were arranged for Yueyi, so that there was no extra time for Yueyi to see the New Moon.

One evening, the glory of the evening slid into the earth, and the New Moon slowly came to the small courtyard of the innocent.

Jun no evil raised his head and looked at the little girl bathed in the dusk and put the books in his hands.

"Changhuai brother, can I come in and sit down?" The moon looked at the innocent eyes, the tone was so innocent, but the big eyes were like nothing to the back of the yard, the yard Entrance.

Jun Wuxu saw the moment of the moonlight in the eyes, slowly hang down the scorpion, faintly said: "Yes."

On the face of the moon, with a smile on his face, he went to the innocent, and sat down beside the innocent.

"Changhuai brother, I heard that you were taking care of my brother when you were in Jinghong Hall. I have never found a chance to thank you. I just took some snacks from the kitchen. If you don’t give up your brother, please use some Let's talk about the moonlight, put the food box on the hand on the table, and look nervously at the innocent.

Jun Wuji opened the food box and reached for a piece. He had not yet entered the entrance, and the moon, sitting next to her, suddenly shouted.

"Changhuai brother! What are you doing?"

The face of Yueyue suddenly changed greatly. From the stone bench, he stood up and completely ignored the innocence. When he reached out, he tore his own thin clothes.

With a tear, the sleeves of the New Moon were torn by her own.

Innocent and calm looking at everything in front of me, there is no wave in the eyes.

The sound of Yuelu was miserable and panic. If he didn't see everything in the hospital, he just listened to the sound, but I was afraid that anyone thought she had suffered.

With the screams of the moon, several men dressed in Shadowmoon Hall costumes rushed in!

"Save me!" The moon rushed away from the side of the innocent, the white face of the small hanging with crystal tears, the small body shivering, like the grievances of the big day, crying pears with rain, hiding Behind those who entered the intruder.

"Changhuan! You are so bold! You dare to slap on the moon!" A shadowy temple disciple glared at the innocent.

Jun looked at all this calmly and calmly, and his eyes fell on the moon behind him.

I have to say that the performance of Yuelu is really superb.

Look at her look, really pitiful.

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