Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1839: Floating 2

After the busy elders finished the things outside the temple, the elders rushed back to the temple. This time he was led out, the ghost of the elders in the back, but this is the command of the lord, even if the shadow elders are not willing, But I have to go. In August 1st, the text network?? W?W (a) W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM

On these days outside, the shadow elders are anxious inside, and I don’t know what terrible things will happen in the temple.

Especially when the elders of the month have been staring at the innocent, no one knows what the elders will do.

Along the way, the elders turned their hearts to the heart and finally rushed back to the Shadowmoon Hall. They went to the Shadowmoon Hall. He even had no time to rest for a moment, and hurriedly rushed to the small courtyard where Jun was inhabited.

Just entering the small courtyard, the shadow elder suddenly appeared in the courtyard a figure that should not appear here.

"It turns out that the white shell has this kind of effect. It's amazing!" Yueyue widened his eyes and looked at the white powder placed on the stone table. Jun stood in her side and held a teapot in his hand. Just a little bit of the clear water droplets in the teapot on the white shell powder.

I saw that the crystal clear water drops on the white shell powder, the powder immediately adhered to it, and quickly integrated into the water, but the water droplets did not open, but merged with the white shell powder. , became a solid white bead.

The moon was surprisingly stunned, and he couldn’t help but poke his finger. The wet water droplets had become hard. At the moment, the scorpion rolled off the plate with the movement of the moon.

"Isn't it going to be opened again?" Yue Yan took the little bead in his hand and looked over it. It always felt very interesting.

"Into the wine, it will naturally open." Jun no evil said: "White shell has the role of hangover."

"Isn't that, if I am competing with other people, as long as I silently throw this in the wine, I can turn the wine into water? How can I drink it without drinking?" The eyes of the moon shone.

"In theory, this is the case." Jun nodded nodded.

I don't know why, I don't always think that my apprentice's thinking is a bit strange.

"Teached!" Yue Yue smiled as he folded the beads and made a special cancellation.

Jun Wuxie is planning to continue to talk to her, but I have seen the shadow elders at the entrance to the yard.

There is no one in her small courtyard to guard. Only the nightingale has watched everything. If someone wants to sneak into it, I am afraid that even the door can't enter, and I will die in the hands of the nightingale, from the eyelids in the nightingale. Those who come in underneath are all candidates who are acquiescence.

At this time, the shadow elders were completely stupid. He looked at the moon with the innocent and incomprehensible, and his eyes were unbelievable.

If you say that the elders accepted the relationship between Jun and Evil, it is because Yueyi itself has already had resistance to the elders of the month, and when Yueyi came to the Shadowmoon Hall, he was sensible, not the elders of the month could be completely controlling.

But the New Moon is completely different.

The Lunar New Year is the elder of the month with a big hand. Everything is heard and counted, and the elders of the shadows are killed. I have not thought that I have only gone out for a few days, and I have never been so loyal to the elders of the elders. !

For a time, the shadow elder's brain could not respond.

What surprised him even more is that the moon with the innocent, it seems that peace is completely different!

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