Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1841: Serial meter 1

"I know.? August 1 Chinese W? W? W?.? 8 (eight) 1 (eight) Z? W (eight). "COM" Jun no evil understand the fear of the elders.

The shadow elders breathed a sigh of relief, watching the eyes of the moon have also become softer, how to say that this little guy has suffered a lot, it is also a good thing to be able to temporarily leave the control of the elders.

"The elders of the month are not afraid to do anything about the moon, but there is the side of the temple..." Looking at the moon's petite body, the shadow elders can't help but worry, the things in the shadow hall are hidden. Quite a lot, I have never been guilty of it, and he has heard about Yueyue and Yueyi. Although I feel that these two children are very pitiful, it is not too difficult to intervene.

Nowadays, it is not wrong to control the elders from the moon, but it is not necessarily a good thing to fall into the hands of the Lord of the Shadowmoon Hall.

Before the shadow temple hall owner was unable to do anything excessive about the moon because of physical discomfort, but now the body of the Shadowmoon Hall is getting better and better, and when his claws will be extended Lunar New Year.

"The effect of Hua Xue Dan is coming to an end." Jun has no faint opening.

"What do you mean?" The shadow elders gave a slight glimpse.

Jun is innocent and casual: "I have never said that Hua Xue Dan can completely cure the Shadow Moon Temple, isn't it?"

The innocent words made the shadow elders shocked.

Yes, Jun No Evil originally offered medicine only to help the body of the Shadow Moon Temple, but everyone has seen the change of the Moonlight Temple after taking the Xuedan. The body of the Lord has been thoroughly finished. However, the words of the innocent, but the shadow elders have a completely different feeling.

"Don't you haven't completely cured your high school?" The elders of the shadows jumped wildly. Where did the medicine come from? He didn't know, and he didn't ask too much about the innocence. At first, he also felt that there was no The evil drug is a little risky. After all, the body of the Shadowmoon Hall is good, and it is not a good thing for them.

Jun innocently raised his eyebrows and looked at the strange shadow elders.

"The temporary drug effect is gone, and the estimated time is almost the same."

She has also completely cured the medicine of the Shadow Moon Temple, but she is not stupid enough to give her enemies warmth.

The shadow elders are full of shock when they look at the innocent eyes. This kid can really take a step and see three steps. Everything before and after is actually counted by her. This really surprised the shadow boss.

First, in the name of Hua Dan, to resolve their own dangers, but secretly control the efficacy of the drug, so that this effect can not last for a long time.

The shadow elder's heart suddenly gave birth to an amazing thought. He looked at the innocent eyes and looked like a monster.

"You shouldn't think about it, borrowing Xuedan, let your Highness pay more attention to you?"

The short-term effect of the drug has brought the vitality that has not been gained for a long time to the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace. How can you give up such an opportunity when you have tasted these tastes?

I don't have to think about it, even if Xuedan can't completely cure the Shadow Moon Temple, as long as the real medicinal herbs are not refining, the Shadow Moon Temple Lord will greatly rely on the effect of Xuedan.

Even with it, you can refine the immortalization of Xuedan, and the position in the Shadowmoon Hall will soon rise!

“Is it not good?” asked the innocent and random.

The shadow elder swallowed silently.

it is good.

How can it be bad?

But...when did this kid start planning all this?

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