Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1843: Link meter 3

Jun Wuxie and Yueyue re-formed some medicinal herbs. These medicinal herbs were more effective than the New Moon dynasty. After the configuration, Yueyue held a small bottle filled with medicinal herbs, which showed her love for refining. It is a kind of nature. In August 1st, the text network W ≤ W ≠ W ≥. ≈81ZW. COM

"Master! I am going to harm the people!" After the moon filled the small bottle, she smiled and looked at the innocent. The days when she lived with the innocence made her look like a new life, not only inaccessible to herself. Knowledge has gained a kind of freedom that has never been seen before.

When you are with Jun, there is no pressure on the moon, and the quietness of the innocent makes her live like herself.

The innocent and silent looking moonlight, I always feel that this little Nizi's temper is very strange, it is so exciting to poison people...

Where is it long?

After the moon has said goodbye to the innocent, he went directly to the Lord of the Shadowmoon Hall.

During the period of the Shadow Moon Temple, the body was strong and the face was ruddy. After gradually stabilizing the things in the temple, the active mind gradually rose. After reading a batch of files, the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple looked. To the moon in a pink skirt, a pot of fine wine and some snacks stood at the door.

The moon, bathed in the sun, is full of vitality, and the vitality of life makes the Lord of Shadowmoon Temple very yearning.

"His Royal Highness." Yue Yueshun looked at the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple.

"Hey? How come you? Come in." The Lord of the Shadows Hall looked at the moonlight with a smile, and the unspoken big eyes swept over the moon, admiring the beauty that was waiting to be released.

The moon was happily walked to the side of the Shadow Moon Temple, and placed the tray in the hand on the table.

"I heard that my Highness was tired in recent days, and my nephew did not dare to disturb my Highness. I just listened to other brothers and said that His Highness should be resting now, so I prepared some wines for my nephew and wanted to relax my Highness. Look." The moon screamed with big eyes and said intimate words in his mouth.

The face of the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple showed a big smile. Naturally, he reached out and held the little hand of the New Moon. He said with satisfaction: "I am really sensible, but I really have no white pain."

The little beauty grows up day by day, and it is such a clever and sensible thing that provokes the shadow of the temple.

The moon was red with a small face and a low head, and the slightly lowered eyelids converge on the bottom of the eyes.

"His Highness is good to my nephew, and my nephew naturally knows that my nephew does not have the ability to do it. I just want to serve my Highness." Then, the New Moon will naturally withdraw his hand and pick up the jug on the tray. The two wine glasses were filled with fine wine, and she immediately picked up a cup and looked forward to watching the temple of the Shadowmoon Hall.

"His Highness is good to the children, and the children have no thoughts, and they will give a cup to the temple."

The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple was in a good mood. Although the moon was very smooth to him, he was always nervous and alienated, but now the moon is very considerate to him, which makes the Temple of Shadow Moon Temple very useful. When I was the owner of the New Moon, she was asked by the elders of the month, which aroused the gratitude of the New Moon, and never thought about a 12-year-old girl, what complicated thoughts would be.

After all, in the eyes of the Lord of Shadowmoon Hall, the moon is just the elder of the moon used to curb the moon. It has never seen any world, nor has it learned any powers. Naturally, it is the most simple.

"Well, I want to drink alcohol, I really want to drink."

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