For so many years, everything has been peaceful, and ordinary people and ordinary forces have never dared to confront the moon palace. Bayi Chinese W=W≠W=. ≤8=1≤Z≥W=. ≤COM

The elders of the month said that someone in the mausoleum was openly opposed to the Shadowmoon Hall. This matter is not so simple.

"The subordinates are still investigating. According to the disciples who escaped from Lingcheng, those people attacked the divisions day and night, not only putting a fire in the branch, but also killing many disciples." Road.

"Great courage! Check it out! I found out who did it. I will let him know that the Shadowmoon Hall is not so good!" In the sphere of influence, the Burning Moon Palace branch is also inflicted on countless disciples. This is the provocation of eating fruit!

If the matter is not handled properly, where is the face of Shadowmoon Hall going?

"Ance to His Royal Highness, the subordinates have already been able to investigate, and I believe that it will take a long time to find out exactly who is doing it."

"How is the loss of the division?" The shadow of the temple of the Shadow Moon Temple is a vigorous jump. No matter what people do, it is all on the face of Shadowmoon Hall. How can he humiliate him?

"There was a heavy loss. The disciples of the division only escaped one person. The rest of the disciples either died or their whereabouts were unknown. Because the body was unrecognizable after the fire was burned, it is temporarily impossible to determine which disciples were killed, but the subordinates will already be divided. The list of all the disciples is properly counted, and the Highness is requested." The elders of the month handed over a list that had already been prepared to the hands of the Lord of the Shadowmoon Hall.

The Shadow Moon Temple Lord quickly looked through it. The Lingcheng City is not a big city. So there are not many people in the Shadow Moon Temple. Most of them are not important disciples. A little peace of mind.

The Lunar New Year stood by the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple and looked like a casual sweep from the list.

Although the Shadow Moon Hall is not as strong as the Devil Hall, but the strength is not weak. Looking at the Three Realms, there are not many forces that dare to provoke the authority of the Twelve Halls. Apart from the Nine Palaces, the sphere of influence of the Nine Palaces is far from the sphere of influence of the Twelve Halls. Far away, and the Shadowmoon Hall is relatively low-key in the 12th Hall. Even if the Nine Palaces want to beat the 12th Hall, they will not choose Shadowmoon Hall.

Lunar New Year always felt that the news that the elders of the month had reported at this time was somewhat wrong. When there was no accident, the partiality was going to make trouble at this time.

At the time when the moon was doubting the minds of the elders of the month, the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace had turned the list to the last page.

On the last page, the two words that appeared in the awkwardness made the face of Yueyue pale in an instant, and the legs fell softly and sat down.

On the last page, there is only one name, the simple two words, but the moon is like a lightning strike, a heart suddenly picked up.

"Yue Yi? How did he go to Lingcheng?" The only name on the page is Yueyi! When the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple saw these two words, he also stunned. He saw the pale face of the moon.

"It’s **** damn. Before the Lingcheng, I heard some small movements. I wanted to rely on Yueyi’s strength to finish the matter, but I didn’t think that the exhibition was completely unexpected. It’s not the time to go to Lingcheng.” The elders of the month are also a regret, as if they are worried about Yueyi.

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