Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1849: Heart meat 2

"What do you want to do?" The elders smiled and said, "I haven’t thought about it yet, but your relationship with Yueyi is so good. It’s the heart of each other. I, as your grandfather, can’t bear to see you as painful. I have some things for you here.??? August 1? Chinese W≈W=W≤.=8=1≈Z=W≠.COM”

Said, the elders of the month took out a box from their arms.

The moon was silent and took over. At the moment when the box was opened, the temperature of her whole body faded in an instant!

In the box, there is a **** meat!

"Your brother's heart, you have to collect it!" The elders of the month slammed the head of the moon.

The severe pain that the scalp is almost about to be removed makes the tears of the moon's eyes instantly burst into tears.

The elders forced her to look up and look at his face that was distorted by hatred.

"Small monk, dare to hang me? What do you think you are? You and your brother are just the playthings I used to play, you dare to bite me, I have a way to make you die, you give me Waiting slowly!" After the end, the elders of the month let go of their hands, and one foot put the moon on the ground.

"You'd better know each other. If you don't want your brother to have something, just give me an honest obedience. I want you to do something in the future. You have to do it, otherwise the next time you see it is not your brother's heart. It’s his body!” The elders sneered and opened their mouths, spitting a slobber on the moon, sitting down on the ground, and strode away.

The moon was sitting on the cold slate, and the cold was so cold that she couldn’t stop fighting. She widened her eyes and looked at the flesh and blood in the box. The heart seemed to jump out from the chest and burst into the chest. The tearing pain, so she could not help but retched.

That is the meat of her brother...

That is her brother's...

The moon has endured for so many years, but it has never been as desperate as this time. The revenge of the elders is so vicious, and a trick has caught her life!

The vicious words of the elders reverberate in the mind of the New Moon. At this time, the New Moon has lost all the ability to think. As long as she thinks that her brother has fallen into the hands of the elders, she will die.

The moon trembled and climbed up from the ground. It was a clear night sky, but suddenly there was a large cloud of dark clouds, covering the bright moon, and the darkness enveloped her.

The light rain of the patter fell in an instant, and the fine raindrops hit the trembling body.

From light rain to heavy rain, the tears of the moon are mixed with the rain. She fights hard to hold the box in her arms and stumbles and climbs up.

There was a blank in her head, and she didn't know what she was going to do. She just walked blindly, the cold rain hit her, and she was completely wet, but she didn't feel it.

At this time, the innocent, is holding a big man and a **** rabbit in the room to enjoy, and after feeling the strange atmosphere, she handed back two stupid Meng to the nightingale.

"Oh." The adults were not arrogantly placing four small hooves, and they expressed great protest against the days when they gathered together.

Since the middle of the three circles, it has been a lot less time with the innocent, and even less time to eat and eat, although the nightingale and night alone are taking care of them, but the two stupid are still greedy The smell of good smell on the innocent.

"Oh." Jun no evil raised his hand and licked the big man's small head.

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