Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1852: Innocent Revenge 1

The moon was sleeping all night, and the brow on the opposite side of the sleep didn't stretch. It seemed like a nightmare. Eight?? One Chinese network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

"Brother!" The moon slammed up from the bed and was shocked by a cold sweat.

"Moon." The sound of the innocent voice rang in her ear.

Yue Yan turned his face with a white face and saw that Jun is sitting at her bed. The room was surrounded by a touch of scent, completely different from the rotten stench in her dreams. Everything was just her dream.

For a time, the moon was awkward, and it was impossible to tell whether the dream was real or not. Her heart was bursting with pain, and the dream was so real, and she was so heartbroken.

"Master..." The moon was a little sluggish and looked at the innocent. The face of the past was full of shackles. Her voice was weak, and she almost prayed for the general innocence.

"I just dreamed that the elders of the month caught my brother, I was dreaming? I just had a nightmare, my brother did not have an accident?"

Innocent and silent watching the moon, I don’t know how to answer for a time. According to her experience, the spirit of the moon is already on the verge of collapse. The moon may be strong, but for ten years, her The nerves have been tightening on the edge of the crack. Now, with such a big stimulus, she is likely to collapse completely if she is slightly careless.

"Master... you tell me soon... my brother, he... is it good... that's just a dream, right..." The voice of Yueyue was crying, and he looked at him with no sorrow.

Jun no evil slowly said: "It is a dream, Yue Yi is still dealing with things outside, to be late to come back, he is fine."

Hearing the calm words of Jun Wuxie, the moon slammed a bit, and the pale face burst into a weak and bright smile.

"It turned out to be a dream..."

"You have been chilled, and I have cultivated here in the past few days. When the moon comes back, I will let him see you." The sound of the innocent and quiet voice makes people have a great peace of mind, a wave of unspeakable tone. It seems that nothing has ever been born.

"Yeah." The moon smugly nodded, holding the corner and curling up his legs.

"Here is the medicine, you take it first, I still have some things, come see you later." Jun no evil will have already prepared the soup that has already been prepared, this medicine is already cold, but she uses the spirit to make it fast. When heated and sent to the hands of the moon, the temperature of the drug is just right.

Yue Yan took the soup, holding the bowl with both hands, watching the reflection of his own cockroach in the syrup.

She stared for a while before she poured all the bitter medicine.

Jun no evil took the empty bowl and got up and prepared to leave.


The innocent footsteps were a slight pause, and he turned his head calmly and looked at the moon.

"My brother will really come back?" The lips of the moon are shaking a little.

Jun nodded slightly and firmly, then went out.

At the moment when the door was closed, the moon held the bottom of the quilt and tried to shrink himself into a ball. If someone appeared, they would know that the strong little girl was shaking in the quilt. Silent crying, her bite is horned, or the whimper overflows from the mouth, but the teardrops that slipped from the cheeks have already been wetted by the horns.

After standing in the door, Jun Wushen took a deep breath and heard the cry of the effort in the room.

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