Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1859: Innocent Revenge 8

The disciple immediately went to action after listening to the elders of the month. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

A black shadow quietly followed the disciple and left.

The shadow elder stood outside the door of the innocent, looking through the open window to see the moon in the room facing the mirror, and it seemed to be brewing a thousand tricks.

"I should have thought of it long ago. They both looked like her, but I almost forgot the woman's appearance. What I should remember is." The voice of the elders was slightly hoarse and looked at the moon. The little face, he could not help but red eyes.

Jun innocent standing next to the shadow elders, looking at the shadows of the elders.

"You said, if I feel that their looks are like their mother, is it... they don't have to eat so much bitter these years." The elders have never hated themselves as they do now.

There is no opening in the innocent, and I don’t know what to say at this time.

The elders took a deep breath and retreated from the window to the courtyard. After a long period of silence, he lowered his head and said: "I will definitely let the Shadowmoon Hall pay the price. I am waiting for the start of your plan." I must let them pay the price of blood!"

Jun Wuxu looked at the shadow of the elders with a hateful look, sighed.

She could not understand the confession and sorrow of the elders at this time, only knowing that he must be extremely painful now.

An ink snake sneaked in from the outside of the courtyard, and walked with a soft body to the feet of the innocent, and the body was innocent, reaching out and holding the ink snake in the palm of your hand. Lightly pressed the abdomen of the ink snake slightly raised, a wax pill spit out from the snake's mouth.

The wax pill was crushed, and a piece of paper appeared in front of the innocent eyes. The content on the note was read by the innocent and fast, and a sneer was evoked in the corner of the mouth.

"Yueyi has been found, and our plan can begin." The innocent hands ignited the aura and burned the paper.

The shadow elders looked up and looked nervously and with a trace of joy.

"Found? He... How is he doing now?"

"The person has been in a safe place, the body is still a little weak, I will go to treat him later." Jun no faint opening.

"That... then can I go see him?" The shadow elders eagerly opened their mouths.

Jun no evil shook his head.

"Bring him back, the elders will soon be there. What you have to do now is to advance according to our plan. Otherwise, once the elders are relieved, the opportunity will not be so easy to meet."

The shadow elders were somewhat hesitant, but they changed again when they thought about it.

"Good! I will arrange it here. You can rest assured that this time I will not let the elders of the month have another day to turn over!" The anger and hatred in the heart stimulated the shadow elders to speed up their pace. He said this when he said this. The child left the small courtyard of the innocent.

Jun Wuxu looked at the shadow of the elders hurriedly leaving, his eyes slightly dark, she turned to a small house in a small courtyard.

The moment when I stepped into the room, the strong **** smell came.

The nightingale standing on the edge of the bed, the black clothes had been soaked with blood, and he looked at Jun No Evil and nodded slightly.

Yue Yi is lying quietly on the bed. The sheets under him have been dyed bright red by blood. He is lying in bed and he is bruised and bruised. The whipping whip is all over the body and looks shocking.

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