Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1864: Face stretched over 5

"What gift?" The Lord of the Shadows Palace is somewhat curious. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W=W=. =8≤1=Z≤W≈. ≥C≤O≥M

Yue Yan took out a brocade box from his arms. When the elders saw the brocade box, they screamed badly. They wanted to stop but did not dare to mess.

The New Moon will open the box, but in the box, there is a piece of carrion that starts to be disgusting!

A splendid rancid smell instantly dispersed in the hall!

"What is this?" asked the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple to cover his nose and frown.

The moon looked at the temple of the Shadow Moon Temple without squinting.

"Heart, my brother's heart of the moon!"

"What!" The temple of Shadowmoon Hall was incredibly wide-eyed.

"This is the day, the elders of the month and the next hall reported that the Lingcheng branch was attacked. After the news of my brother's disappearance, I gave it to my nephew." The voice of Yuelu was with a slight repression.

The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, with the elders on the side of the moon, could not believe it.

The moon's fierce hoe, squatting on the ground, said: "His Royal Highness, the child bears the nickname of ungratefulness, reveals the misdeeds of the elders of the month, does not ask for the forgiveness of His Royal Highness, and only asks His Highness to rope this injustice and infidelity. To the law!"

"Moon! You are going to talk nonsense!" The elders of the month were horrified.

Lunar New Year does not care about it: "The elders of the month raised me and my brother, so that I would only listen to his life, let my brother fight for more power in the Shadowmoon Hall, and send the nephew to His Royal Highness, let My nephew is looking for an opportunity to poison my temple."

"What do you say! Give me... poison?" The Lord of the Shadows Palace was really scared.

"Yes, my Highness can think about it. Is the physical discomfort of His Royal Highness from the right? Is it shortly after the deaf child arrives at the Highness, and the Highness feels weak and exhausted in the temple? That is the elder of the month." Give the poison under the temple." The repressed voice of the moon makes the entire hall fall into a dead silence.

The face of the elders of the month became iron blue, and he recognized everything next to him, but he did not do anything to poison the temple of Shadowmoon Hall. This person is clearly trying to frame him!

"Moon! You don't want to have blood spray! I have let you do this kind of vicious thing! If I want to hurt my highness, why bother..."

"You want to start now because you think that time is enough. The poison in your temple is chronic poison. It takes more than ten years for a person to die, and you just want to swear by your majesty." If you are unable to take care of the things in the temple and give power to you, gradually establish a prestige in the temple. Fortunately, when the fallen of the temple is over, the name will be taken over by the entire Shadowmoon Hall! You didn’t dare, you are afraid of winning the name of the title. It’s not smooth!” The words of the moon are sobbing, and a little bit of tears off the mask of the moon’s hypocrite.

"You are nonsense! I don't!" The elders were so angry that they shook their bodies and reached out to the neck of Haoyue!

The shadow elders stepped forward and stopped the attack of the elders of the month!

"Let her say! Let her say! I want to hear, how many unspeakable things you have in the end! How bad is it in your end!" The shadow moon temple hall is full of hands shaking, the next thing he may still I will doubt, but under the reminder of the New Moon, he carefully recalled that he was physically and mentally uncomfortable. It was exactly the same as that of the New Moon, and after he was physically weak, he did hand over many of the power in the temple. He is the most trusted month elder.

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